Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Is marshmallow fondant or rolled buttercream either one anyn good for decorations or only for covering the cake.

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I did my giftbag cake with marshmallow fondant. It worked great. You can go see it on my profile.
Thank you I will check it out now

Jenny Maynard said:
I did my giftbag cake with marshmallow fondant. It worked great. You can go see it on my profile.
Thank you very helpful Im good with buttercream but new to fondant

Renee Erez said:
I don't know about rolled buttercream, but I use mm fondant for decorations all the time. It is easy to sculpt and work with. I often make mini-sculptures of the kids' friends - which they love taking home. There are pictures on my profile.

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