I don't use wires in my flowers as I do only fondant, and the way I attach them is with just a little water like you do when you attach fondant to fondant. I refrigerate my cakes because I put half and half in my buttercream, and the cold seems to help the fondant attach to the cake. I've never heard of any falling off after delivery either.
I have heard of people using coffee stirrer straws inserted in the cake to put wires into. You don't want to stick floral wire directly into a cake that's going to be consumed. (I know a lot of cake competitions show the contestants sticking wires directly into a cake, but you have to remember those cakes are for display only and are probably not eaten later). Some of the larger lollipop sticks have holes in the middle and if your wire is stiff enough, you can use those as well. I hope that helps!
What if your flowers are dry fondant? What would I use to attach them to buttercream?
If I use silk flowers, would inserting the plastic end that be a bad idea after removing them from the wired part?
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