Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I am and I would love to know if I am the only one and too sensitive. I stayed in my kitchen for about 12 hours each days. I did not sleep much. Got to bed around 2 in the morning each day. I was working on jungle animals and cupcake toppers. Last 3 days, I am waking up with awful pain in my right arm. I feel numbness and it hurts so bad. What is going on?

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Your cake is adorable.

When I took Wilton classes I had a really good teacher that emphasized proper technique. It's easy to get into fatiguing habits and not realize it. Maybe you can find someone to watch you and make sure you're not using awkward angles to hold the piping bag or something like that.

I'm still a relative newbie and I think things will get better for us the longer we practice in general. You definitely have talent, so don't get discouraged! :)

Do you have a history of carpal tunnel? I do and if I do too much piping it can act up. Definitely look at your arm/wrist/hand use and see if you can modify it to reduce fatigue. Hope that helps!
Last weekend when I finished my 5th cake in 2 weeks, I came home after delivery and layed in my bad with the worst headache.  I think it was stress.  I had this a few other times happen to me when I had big cakes.  Once they were done that is when I got sick.  This week I just baked to bake and it felt really good....No pressure, no headache

Thank you for responses. I did read about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and it looks like my case. It is getting worst now. Almost everyday - pain is waking me up. My lifestyle is awful. Like yesterday - I baked whole day until 5 in the morning. Then slept for 3 hours because I had to deliver cupcakes. I do feel under stress and I guess I am taking more than I am able to handle in healthy way, especially with having my full time job and baking after that.

I sleep 5 or less hours a day.

Denise, I will try that exercises. I guess, I will have to take a break as well. :)

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