Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Am I overcharging for my cupcakes??? Opinions needed.

Hi, I am completely new to this forum and also new to cupcakes business. What I need to know is, if my prices are right. I am in TN  area, little town. I am working from home and baking is  my hobby and side business.

You can look at my cupcakes here:

I do charge $1.50 a piece for regular cupcake with simple decorations.

For nicer or fondant decorations and filling- I want to charge $0.25 extra.

I have no clue what to ask for minicupcakes. Probably something around 1 dollar.

Now I need your opinions about it. Is that price about right or should I charge less?

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Wow. We have cupcake shops here in New Zealand, they charge 5.00 or more for a cupcake, thats just with a simple frosting ! That is NZD so in US it is 4.11 approx!

Here is a link to one.

They are so cute :-) sounds like a very good price! I guess ingredients in America must be cheaper or something because here in western Australia the average cost of a cupcake from a home based decorator seems to be $3. I found one lady who does $2.50. My friend who JUST started out... Literally knows nothing about baking but has a knack for cupcake decorating she just discovered charged $1 per cupcake out of lack of knowledge. She did one batch for that price and realized she would make nothing out of it so is raising her price to $2 a cupcake. That's Australian dollars so it's a little more in American. I think food over here in general is more expensive.

Penny, I think it has to do with the area you live in the USA too. Whenever my husband and I have been on vacation, it seems the tourist hot spots charge $3.00-$3.50 per cupcake. Here in our local area, I have taken note that the average price in our reputable bakeries (not grocery store bakeries) charge on an average between $1.50 to $1.75 per cupcake.

Penny said:

They are so cute :-) sounds like a very good price! I guess ingredients in America must be cheaper or something because here in western Australia the average cost of a cupcake from a home based decorator seems to be $3. I found one lady who does $2.50. My friend who JUST started out... Literally knows nothing about baking but has a knack for cupcake decorating she just discovered charged $1 per cupcake out of lack of knowledge. She did one batch for that price and realized she would make nothing out of it so is raising her price to $2 a cupcake. That's Australian dollars so it's a little more in American. I think food over here in general is more expensive.

I know nothing about pricing cup cakes, but I just wanted to say how lovely I think yours are!  As others have said, if you want something worth eating then it's worth paying for.

I just got back from a cruise to Spain. The ship had a cupcake shop!!!!! of course they were ridiculosly expensive. But what surprised me was that 2 of the larger cities, Valencia...where the oranges come from & Barcelona had cupcake shops. Of course being tourists cities they were expensive. $4 Euros, so approx $5 & change.

I had made a earlier post in this thread, as I said then, it is like Linda stated. Just like real estate, it is location, location. You can only charge what the average going rate is in your area.

My husband's little sister wants me to do her daughter's small graduation cake and all the cupcakes to go with, coming up here in a week or two. Now you have to know my sis-in-law to appreciate where I am coming from on this one. This girl is so tight she squeaks when she walks and of course, of all my family members, she is the only one who wants this done for free. Soooo, I told her I would do them for free, BUT.....she was going to have to buy all the ingredients, paper products, boxes to tote them to her house, etc, and, that I got to keep all the left-over ingredients, and that she was going to have to help me bake the cupcakes. She balked at the prospect of having to do all of that and help bake the cupcakes, so without blinking an eye, I looked her square in the face and told her that if she did not want to purchase all the ingredients and help bake those cupcakes, that I was going to charge her $3.50 apiece. She wants over 100 cupcakes. Of course her mouth dropped down to her knees, but it was just the opportunity I had to show her that things do cost, and that this is my business. She has purchased all the ingredients and paper, and is coming over on the 11th to start baking! Hah! I just hate it when family members and friends try to take advantage. 

People just have no b***** idea do they?  I get asked to make a cake for someone's birthday (free, of course), don't even get offered the price of ingredients and then I'm expected to buy a birthday present too!  What the..

And Linda, once again, you've made me burst out laughing with your expressions!

Linda Wolff said:

My husband's little sister wants me to do her daughter's small graduation cake and all the cupcakes to go with, coming up here in a week or two. Now you have to know my sis-in-law to appreciate where I am coming from on this one. This girl is so tight she squeaks when she walks and of course, of all my family members, she is the only one who wants this done for free. Soooo, I told her I would do them for free, BUT.....she was going to have to buy all the ingredients, paper products, boxes to tote them to her house, etc, and, that I got to keep all the left-over ingredients, and that she was going to have to help me bake the cupcakes. She balked at the prospect of having to do all of that and help bake the cupcakes, so without blinking an eye, I looked her square in the face and told her that if she did not want to purchase all the ingredients and help bake those cupcakes, that I was going to charge her $3.50 apiece. She wants over 100 cupcakes. Of course her mouth dropped down to her knees, but it was just the opportunity I had to show her that things do cost, and that this is my business. She has purchased all the ingredients and paper, and is coming over on the 11th to start baking! Hah! I just hate it when family members and friends try to take advantage. 

I had a good laugh over the expressions Linda used too.  Can't you just picture the whole thing?  I would love to see her sister-in-law helping with the baking.  Wait till she sees the mess.  I would have her clean up too.  That would teach her.

Katy Nott said:

People just have no b***** idea do they?  I get asked to make a cake for someone's birthday (free, of course), don't even get offered the price of ingredients and then I'm expected to buy a birthday present too!  What the..

And Linda, once again, you've made me burst out laughing with your expressions!

Linda Wolff said:

My husband's little sister wants me to do her daughter's small graduation cake and all the cupcakes to go with, coming up here in a week or two. Now you have to know my sis-in-law to appreciate where I am coming from on this one. This girl is so tight she squeaks when she walks and of course, of all my family members, she is the only one who wants this done for free. Soooo, I told her I would do them for free, BUT.....she was going to have to buy all the ingredients, paper products, boxes to tote them to her house, etc, and, that I got to keep all the left-over ingredients, and that she was going to have to help me bake the cupcakes. She balked at the prospect of having to do all of that and help bake the cupcakes, so without blinking an eye, I looked her square in the face and told her that if she did not want to purchase all the ingredients and help bake those cupcakes, that I was going to charge her $3.50 apiece. She wants over 100 cupcakes. Of course her mouth dropped down to her knees, but it was just the opportunity I had to show her that things do cost, and that this is my business. She has purchased all the ingredients and paper, and is coming over on the 11th to start baking! Hah! I just hate it when family members and friends try to take advantage. 

Goreti, she is an immaculate house keeper so that is something I may just have to let her have her hand in. (Maybe I can save a few dishes from breakfast and lunch for her to do too...hee hee!!) I know, that wouldn't be nice, now would it. Shame on me!

Goreti said:

I had a good laugh over the expressions Linda used too.  Can't you just picture the whole thing?  I would love to see her sister-in-law helping with the baking.  Wait till she sees the mess.  I would have her clean up too.  That would teach her.

Katy Nott said:

People just have no b***** idea do they?  I get asked to make a cake for someone's birthday (free, of course), don't even get offered the price of ingredients and then I'm expected to buy a birthday present too!  What the..

And Linda, once again, you've made me burst out laughing with your expressions!

Linda Wolff said:

My husband's little sister wants me to do her daughter's small graduation cake and all the cupcakes to go with, coming up here in a week or two. Now you have to know my sis-in-law to appreciate where I am coming from on this one. This girl is so tight she squeaks when she walks and of course, of all my family members, she is the only one who wants this done for free. Soooo, I told her I would do them for free, BUT.....she was going to have to buy all the ingredients, paper products, boxes to tote them to her house, etc, and, that I got to keep all the left-over ingredients, and that she was going to have to help me bake the cupcakes. She balked at the prospect of having to do all of that and help bake the cupcakes, so without blinking an eye, I looked her square in the face and told her that if she did not want to purchase all the ingredients and help bake those cupcakes, that I was going to charge her $3.50 apiece. She wants over 100 cupcakes. Of course her mouth dropped down to her knees, but it was just the opportunity I had to show her that things do cost, and that this is my business. She has purchased all the ingredients and paper, and is coming over on the 11th to start baking! Hah! I just hate it when family members and friends try to take advantage. 

Well, I have a good one for you ladies. I was asked about six months ago to make a 100 or so cupcakes for my nephew's wedding this May 19th. Well it is being held in a rural park setting, so I couldn't set up early in the day & leave. No I would have had to bring them with on my way to attending the nuptials. I have done wedding cupcakes x's 2, too much work, so I politely said no. I then offered a 2 or 3 tier cake instead. That was declined as being "too much".  Bride changed her mind about the cupcakes & then asked if I would make just a small cake to cut for pictures. I am making 2, one each for B & G. Fast forward and ALL close famiy  were EMAILED 2 wks ago and asked to BAKE DESSERTS for reception  :o(

Huh????? Ah we are the guests, aren't we supose to be served dinner, dessert, drinks as a result of attending??  You hired a bb-q caterer....aren't THEY providing dessert.....guess not!!!  I emailed right away and said since I was making the 2 wedding cakes, I would NOT be bringing a dessert. Plus I not only offered a 3 tier cake  I suggested making 2-3 slab cakes for dessert cause it would be easy. This seems more like a gosh darn church pot luck supper.  Geez. Maybe the Uncles might be pressed into service cooking & serving????? Brother...this takes the cake!!!  Couldn't resist the pun...he! he!

Oh dearie me - I should have been in bed ages ago, but I just can't stop laughing at us girls griping away about people!  And some of the expressions are priceless - 'gosh darn geez',  June?  

June Kowalczyk said:

Well, I have a good one for you ladies. I was asked about six months ago to make a 100 or so cupcakes for my nephew's wedding this May 19th. Well it is being held in a rural park setting, so I couldn't set up early in the day & leave. No I would have had to bring them with on my way to attending the nuptials. I have done wedding cupcakes x's 2, too much work, so I politely said no. I then offered a 2 or 3 tier cake instead. That was declined as being "too much".  Bride changed her mind about the cupcakes & then asked if I would make just a small cake to cut for pictures. I am making 2, one each for B & G. Fast forward and ALL close famiy  were EMAILED 2 wks ago and asked to BAKE DESSERTS for reception  :o(

Huh????? Ah we are the guests, aren't we supose to be served dinner, dessert, drinks as a result of attending??  You hired a bb-q caterer....aren't THEY providing dessert.....guess not!!!  I emailed right away and said since I was making the 2 wedding cakes, I would NOT be bringing a dessert. Plus I not only offered a 3 tier cake  I suggested making 2-3 slab cakes for dessert cause it would be easy. This seems more like a gosh darn church pot luck supper.  Geez. Maybe the Uncles might be pressed into service cooking & serving????? Brother...this takes the cake!!!  Couldn't resist the pun...he! he!

That's the 'Christian' in her showing, Katy. It's better than saying G** D***.  Besides, she's Canadian, eh? You should catch Goreti once in a while...she spells just like where she is from by saying 'what evaaa' just like a good little New England girl should sound like. I like Martin Brown's Surrey accent showing through when he says: idear instead of idea. Cracks me up every time.

Katy Nott said:

Oh dearie me - I should have been in bed ages ago, but I just can't stop laughing at us girls griping away about people!  And some of the expressions are priceless - 'gosh darn geez',  June?  

June Kowalczyk said:

Well, I have a good one for you ladies. I was asked about six months ago to make a 100 or so cupcakes for my nephew's wedding this May 19th. Well it is being held in a rural park setting, so I couldn't set up early in the day & leave. No I would have had to bring them with on my way to attending the nuptials. I have done wedding cupcakes x's 2, too much work, so I politely said no. I then offered a 2 or 3 tier cake instead. That was declined as being "too much".  Bride changed her mind about the cupcakes & then asked if I would make just a small cake to cut for pictures. I am making 2, one each for B & G. Fast forward and ALL close famiy  were EMAILED 2 wks ago and asked to BAKE DESSERTS for reception  :o(

Huh????? Ah we are the guests, aren't we supose to be served dinner, dessert, drinks as a result of attending??  You hired a bb-q caterer....aren't THEY providing dessert.....guess not!!!  I emailed right away and said since I was making the 2 wedding cakes, I would NOT be bringing a dessert. Plus I not only offered a 3 tier cake  I suggested making 2-3 slab cakes for dessert cause it would be easy. This seems more like a gosh darn church pot luck supper.  Geez. Maybe the Uncles might be pressed into service cooking & serving????? Brother...this takes the cake!!!  Couldn't resist the pun...he! he!

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