Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi all,

I've been asked to make a red velvet cake with fondant icing as a covering.

Never having made a red velvet before can you advise if the red colouring tends to leak through to the fondant or are there any tricks I can use to stop this happening?


I know Cream cheese frosting is the norm but is it ok to use buttercream & then fondant instead??


Many thanks


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I have covered red velvet cakes with fondant before and never experienced bleeding. I use butter cream to lightly coat the cake before applying the fondant. never had any issue.


I hope this helps.



I have put cream cheese frosting under marshmallow fondant with no problems.  Also - the red velvet shouldn't leak through as long as it's sealed in with a frosting of some kind.
That's great - many thanks for such quick responses - I'll post a pic of my results!! :-)
Fiona you can use either buttercream or cream cheese under fondant.. and the red velvet color does not leak through.  Ganache also works!  Not as good as cream cheese though with red velvet.  Can't wait to see your cake!

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