Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

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And a very Happy Birthday to youuuuuu!  If I could only sing...  lol

Happy Birthday Sandra...I tried in vain to upload a wouldn't let me...  :o(

Don't worry, June!  I received it on Facebook :o)  How cute is that!  Thanks!

Thank you so much, Goreti!  Someday........someday, I hope to be able to make flowers (and cakes!) like yours.  Gorgeous!

You did a beautiful job of singing Happy Birthday, Bonnie!  I heard and appreciated every work :o)

Bonnie Willey said:


And a very Happy Birthday to youuuuuu!  If I could only sing...  lol

 Jordan & I tried to incorporate several differing styles into this one. lol 

The top is 3 layers of 4" yellow cake, sitting on 2 layers of 6" yellow cake, all covered rather neatly in fondant.  Most notably is the wafer paper flowers, for which she used several of my new punches, & the leaves were of course freehand. I did the top left, & bottom right flowers, with the centers, & Jordan did the rest(I abetted).  I had to convince her that they were food safe by eating one.  Just a might pasty tasting, but melted away fast, so no biggy! lol  We made the orange gelatin butterflies & dragonfly Wednesday, & they turned out well.  We applied buttercream flowers & stems, then covered them with the paper flowers.  We liked this effect rather well! lol

This 'master piece' is sitting on 4 layers of carrot cake.  There is a story to this one...  First we applied an ample amount of almond buttercream, for a different texture, to offset the fondant on top.  So far, so good.  Then we painted, with thinned buttercream, some flowers & stems going up all around.  It was presentable, allowing for the artists involved.  Then we put it in the fridge.  Again, so far, so good. 

When we went back to add some more little goodies to it...  Disaster had struck!!  The sides had slid down into unrecognizable lumps, all around the cake.   Maybe we had played with it a little too much, during the painting session???  Anyway, it had to be removed, hense the semi naked look, That really goes well with the top, does not detract from it! lol   So a lot of love, and care, went into your birthday surprise.  Hope it tastes as good as it looks!  Be sure to let us know, OK?  lol        

Bonnie, I really love this creation of yours.  I think the bottom was one of those happy accidents.  The semi-naked bottom really goes so well with the beautiful wafer paper flowers.  Would never have suspected that it was not the look you were going for in the first place.


  Can't send you a "cake" today just my" Best Wishes" to you, hope you have a lovely day.

You are such a talented lady, I'll always remember you for my gorgeous cat cakes.XXOO :))) 


Awesome cake Bonnie - looks wonderful

What a cute story, Bonnie!  I think we have all had that experience, or at least I have (more than once)!  You were certainly able to recover nicely.  Like Goreti, I would never suspected you had not intended it to be naked.  It is gorgeous and perfectly done.  I love every element and am enjoying imagining the two of you in creative cake heaven :o)  Thank you so much, my friend!  Give Jordan a hug and thank her for me, too!  Love you both!

Bonnie Willey said:

 Jordan & I tried to incorporate several differing styles into this one. lol 

The top is 3 layers of 4" yellow cake, sitting on 2 layers of 6" yellow cake, all covered rather neatly in fondant.  Most notably is the wafer paper flowers, for which she used several of my new punches, & the leaves were of course freehand. I did the top left, & bottom right flowers, with the centers, & Jordan did the rest(I abetted).  I had to convince her that they were food safe by eating one.  Just a might pasty tasting, but melted away fast, so no biggy! lol  We made the orange gelatin butterflies & dragonfly Wednesday, & they turned out well.  We applied buttercream flowers & stems, then covered them with the paper flowers.  We liked this effect rather well! lol

This 'master piece' is sitting on 4 layers of carrot cake.  There is a story to this one...  First we applied an ample amount of almond buttercream, for a different texture, to offset the fondant on top.  So far, so good.  Then we painted, with thinned buttercream, some flowers & stems going up all around.  It was presentable, allowing for the artists involved.  Then we put it in the fridge.  Again, so far, so good. 

When we went back to add some more little goodies to it...  Disaster had struck!!  The sides had slid down into unrecognizable lumps, all around the cake.   Maybe we had played with it a little too much, during the painting session???  Anyway, it had to be removed, hense the semi naked look, That really goes well with the top, does not detract from it! lol   So a lot of love, and care, went into your birthday surprise.  Hope it tastes as good as it looks!  Be sure to let us know, OK?  lol        

Thank you so much, Betty!  You've done even better.....given me a new recipe this morning :o)  Not to mention all the other recipes you've added to my collection!  I remember you every time I open my recipe box!  

Betty said:


  Can't send you a "cake" today just my" Best Wishes" to you, hope you have a lovely day.

You are such a talented lady, I'll always remember you for my gorgeous cat cakes.XXOO :))) 


Thanks for the lovely compliment, & it is greatly appreciated!  I will make sure Jordan hears it too!  :o)

Goreti said:

Bonnie, I really love this creation of yours.  I think the bottom was one of those happy accidents.  The semi-naked bottom really goes so well with the beautiful wafer paper flowers.  Would never have suspected that it was not the look you were going for in the first place.

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