Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

WISHING HAPPY BIRTHDAYS TO ALL BUT  it would be nice if we all list or birthdays , ! please join in ,

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ALRIGHT Betty!!  YOU TOO! ha ha

ah bless you both!  Don't feel like it today - rotten cold (first in years!) and no doubt a lovely cold sore coming on around the nose area, there's so much blowing going on.  Lovely, lol!

yes Bonnie, I do "think" younger than I am, just wish my body felt as young. :-)))

I have that same cold , Goreti has it to !! I have had it for a wk now ! , it sucks when you have asthma and get a cold ! been on oxygen for this whole wk , every nite hate it ! can't even walk to the fount of my house for my mail with out losing my breath !  ; eeeerrrrr 
Katy Nott said:

ah bless you both!  Don't feel like it today - rotten cold (first in years!) and no doubt a lovely cold sore coming on around the nose area, there's so much blowing going on.  Lovely, lol!

Betty, when my grandmother was 84, and totally confined to the bed, (everything locked in place by arthritis, but one finger, which we had to pad so she wouldn't scratch a hole in her head), WHOA, back on track here..., she would tell me that "In here(pointing at head), I am still 16..., and I am trapped in this body!'"   And she was right.  When I am going about my daily routine, I don't think, or feel, like I am old, not until I stop to look in a mirror.  Then it is almost like, 'Who are you, staring out at me?!'  NOT SO lol after all...

I reread this, & almost didn't send it..., but it is the truth, for most of us, I believe.

Ha Ha.... I concur Bonnie..... I disco dance to the music in my house ...and when my kids see me..they just smile...cause I'm a dancin like I was 16!!! Well in my brain anyway.... Getin my groove on and cardio in!!!

yes its true Bonnie !!!, look in the mirror and say who the hell is that looking at me ! in our heads we never grow old , !

Bonnie - you remind me of a saying I once heard.  

'I got rid of that mirror in my room.  I didn't like the way it was looking at me..............'

lol , love it ! that's why I said , this will be my last selfie for many many yr's to come , lol
lol , love it ! that's why I said , this will be my last selfie for many many yr's to come , lol

How sad is it that we think we have to avoid mirrors and be thin and perfect.  My sweet, precious husband tells me I am beautiful and I just want to take him to a shrink to have his head examined!  Of course, I don't tell HIM that.  I just say, "thank you Sweetheart", and watch for further signs of dementia.  I not only avoid mirrors, I hate to leave my home.

It's like the old man in the bar, looking at the old couple sitting patiently at the other end, and saying to his wife, "They should know better than to be out on a night like this".   So she hits him on the head, and says,  "You old fool, that's a mirror!"

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