Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I've seen recipes on the web using a can of condensed milk, placed in water, bring to slow boil for around 2hrs and it caramelizes. Makes a sauce. Has anyone done this and how does it taste?   

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Thanks ladies...

If i was to go with the route of putting the can in a slow cooker....i've read that yo u can then mix it with buttercream? How would that work?

OMG was sooooo good in that cheesecake. There was a very small amount placed on the crust before I added the cheesecake mixture to bake. Wouldn't do that again. It oozed and stuck to the pan making it hard to cut & serve. A waste really. Next time, I would swirl the caramel through the cheesecake mixture, and then use the rest to drizzle on top.

Yes you can.  I have done so and it makes a lovely toffee butter cream. Depending on the quantity of butter cream you want to make, you may not use the whole lot of the caramel though.  Make your butter cream - a bit firmer than usual, then add your caramel to taste.

I've done that too Mizztry with a lot of fillings. Incorporated with my bc and used in a filling. I made a birthday cake for my sis-in-lw...banana/lemon. I swirled peach-mango preserve into the bc icing for the filling when I torted the cake.

But once you add buttercream to it, it no longer is "dulce le leche" right?

Hmmm good question. I'm thinking not. Dulce le leche strictly speaking is just the thick caramel placed between two layers. I've never used it as a filling, but believe you would spread it on your cake the same as bc icing. Adding a dam so it wouldn't leak/ooze out.

I think that's what they call Dulce de Leche (one of the recipes)... I've tried it & it's lovely, but do NOT expect a caramel sauce flavour, it's close but with a twist.

I've also seen warnings of explosion of the can in the boiling water, so it's safer to cook it in a pressure cooker where  the pressure outside the can balances that inside it. Just leave it for around 40 minutes (after the whistle), let it cool completely, then open & enjoy.

I know people who have done it in the can and none of them have ever had any probs with it exploding.

Mizztry, once you add it to your buttercream, then it becomes dulce de leche buttercream lol!

If you want to keep it pure, then when you slice your cake for torting, you can spread a thin layer of dulce on one side and buttercream on the other.  Best of both worlds

Betty!  I love this stuff!!   I boil/simmer it, in the can, for about 2-3 hours, just keep adding water as needed to keep level near the top of the can.  I don't have to babysit it, no big deal.   The longer you cook it, the thicker and richer it gets.  I keep a lid kind of half on, just in case, but have never had any explosions YET!  Neither did mom, nor my sister.   Oh yeah, remove the paper first, a lot less messy. lol  I have a label on my PC that I print out to put on the cans, you know, one of those 'from the kitchen of... things.

Now for the good part.  When finished, let cool, open can, pick up spoon, and dig in.  Dulce-de-leche, aka cooked milk, my way! lol  And it is GOOOOOD!  I do this every few weeks, just to pamper myself.  It usually takes me about 2-3 days to eat it all, because it is soooo sweet.   And I keep it just for me, luckily hubby does not like sweets. lol

Has anyone had the Norwegian goat cheese, Gjetost?  It is brown, sweet, and tastes just like this!  Very few places carry it.  It comes into the country through Main or Connecticut, I think, and no where else.  They ship it to various parts of the country.  I called them to find a distributor, and we had 'one', right here in Delaware, about 70 miles from me, but the next one was 300 miles away.   IF you ever get a chance to get some, please try it, you will love it.  I just put a piece in my mouth, and let it sit there and melt..., a little piece of heaven in my own back yard.

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