Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I've seen recipes on the web using a can of condensed milk, placed in water, bring to slow boil for around 2hrs and it caramelizes. Makes a sauce. Has anyone done this and how does it taste?   

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I did the condensed milk in a can. I cooked it for 4 hours in a sauce pan with enough water. I pierced the top of the can just a little, both topsides of it just being careful it will not explode. It tastes good and it's really sweet. I used it on my chocolate cupcake. If you are just going to cook one can I suggest don't do it this way. It's a waste of time and gas... though I used charcoal. Here's the picture of my Dulce de leche cupcake. I think you can also use this with a whipped cream frosting because whipped cream is not too sweet, so just drizzle the caramel on top of your cupcake with whipped cream.

My thoughts exactly on the cooking, Maria.  Gas is outrageously expensive in the UK and it would cost me so much to produce one can!  Luckily I can buy it ready made by Carnation here!

Oh you're so lucky that all you need for baking are available! Me? I need to search every time I want to do something and will just be frustrated when it's not available. That's why I need to be inventive and creative. We have Carnation condensed here but not the ready made caramel.

Hi all,

I know this post is from last year but I thought I would ask if anyone has come across any Dulce le leche recipes? simpler ones?

And the boiling the condensed milk method - does the DLL taste good? And have you used it as a cake filling and what have the reviews been?

Hi Mizztry.  I know from what I have heard from other cakers, that the boiling in the can method works perfectly and tastes delicious.  You can also make it from the milk in a saucepan, but that does need constant attention to stop it from burning.  You may find this article of help -

Thanks Katy...

It has to be spreadable for a filling right? So how long would you need to boil it for? is it a trial and error? I was thinking of using a slow cooker...

And it is quite sweet, so i'm thinking you wouldn't need heaps of this filling per layer of cake!! LOL...

I made a caramel apple cheesecake 2 wks ago. Thought I had a can of condensed milk in my cupboard....nope. Well couldn't be bothered to go back to the store, so I used a can of no name 2% evaporated milk. Because condensed milk is made from evaporated milk, just boiled down, but not as sweet. I added 1/2 cup of brown sugar, poured it into a pot, started on a good boil, then turned down to medium, and it took literally 20 min to make. It was thick and tasted just like caramel. Super easy. I tried that boiling of the can of condensed milk....takes way too long and I found my way fast, simple & easy.
Hope this helps

Great article BTW!! thank you so much..

Mizztry said:

Thanks Katy...

It has to be spreadable for a filling right? So how long would you need to boil it for? is it a trial and error? I was thinking of using a slow cooker...

And it is quite sweet, so i'm thinking you wouldn't need heaps of this filling per layer of cake!! LOL...

Yes Katy
You do have to watch & stir, but 20 min isn't long when it can take up to a hour if boiling the can to get the same results.

Agreed June.  I have the luxury of being able to buy it ready made very easily, so none of this aggravation for me!

Mizztry - one tip.  Once it's made, don't beat it or anything as it will go runny.  Just use it at it's thick consistency.  Yes, it is very rich so I tend to put a thinnish spreading of that, then some buttercream as well - otherwise the cake can look like there's nothing in it.  June's way sounds good, so it's not as sweet and you could probably use more.

Mine was pretty sweet too Katy. So you could adjust the amount of sugar accordingly. I used it to drizzle on the top, it wasn't used as a filling. Good tip about not beating. I let mine cool to room temp and then used it.

But then, we are talking caramel aren't we lol!  Of course it's sweet - darn good in a chocolate cake though....

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