Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi Guys


What strategies or tips were used to market your business/cake decorating services? I will keep my fingers crossed in the meantime as I await my first order. Please feel free to look at my photos and provide your honest feedback.


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I haven't done much marketing...but here are some of the things I have planned...

1. set prices in October...after my formal training...:)
2. design business cards...distribute
3. design flyers...distribute
4. create facebook page...invite the world to
5. decorate several display dummy cakes for photo shoot...
6. book a section of our local paper for publishing...(phones should be ringing off the

girl I plan to make this big!!!!
What I've done so far is:

1.) Make a facebook page.
2.) Start an e-mail list (I usually have weekly dessert specials).
3.) Made brochures
4.) Make cakes for friends' functions for free, and then when everyone ooh'd and aaah'd I announced I had a business.
5.) Ordered business cards (should be ready soon now :)).
6.) Make discounted wedding cakes for vendors in exchange for marketing (like for Simply Weddings, she posts pics of my cakes on her website and blog, and will also mention who the cake is by).

I haven't done any newspaper stuff yet, because I also work full time so I don't want to overwhelm myself. Caymanians LOVE sweets though, so once they know you can make something good, they tend to repeat orders :).
Then I will have the launch...samples and everything...special discounts and so on....
I create a facebook page
Create a web site
Made business cards
Word of mouth to friends and family
I'm so excited, I just got my business cards on Friday! I also posted something on local website where people can post free ads (its kind of like Craigslist) on Friday evening and have gotten 2 leads.

Teneisha and Kerry, please keep us all updated with how your marketing strategies are working!
I got a client on facebook. got paid for it already and its due this coming Saturday 11th

Faith Gealey-Brown said:
I'm so excited, I just got my business cards on Friday! I also posted something on local website where people can post free ads (its kind of like Craigslist) on Friday evening and have gotten 2 leads.

Teneisha and Kerry, please keep us all updated with how your marketing strategies are working!
ohhh nice ideas,, put can i be honest, i'm soo uncertain about my skill that i would hardly advertise..but i'll break that soon. i think i'll do sample cakes for my staff room n hope word of mouth gives me one lead...
how r these plans progressing girl?

Teneisha Williams said:
Then I will have the launch...samples and everything...special discounts and so on....
So far it's doing great for me. It's like word of mouth, I just did a cake for a friend on facebook and two of her friends wants to order cakes. I mainly post pictures of my work so they all have an idea of what do. I only give special discount to bff and family bc I do not use cheap products, when I did use cheap products, I did not like how it tasted. Just sharing bc U must be able to stand behind ur products and ur master piece
Kim just continue to practice, breathe, relax and do the thing. Don't be afraid, bc I was there, hehehe.
Haven't started anything yet..the training will be the end of september...when I get back from CA...then plan will be rolled sis however got a friend to design biz cards for me...but I have changed the name of the business. I go by cakes by Teneisha now...but may continue and phase in the new name when i decide to get registered...
Will keep you all posted.

Kim Washington said:
how r these plans progressing girl?

Teneisha Williams said:
Then I will have the launch...samples and everything...special discounts and so on....
That makes the both of us Kim

Kim Washington said:
ohhh nice ideas,, put can i be honest, i'm soo uncertain about my skill that i would hardly advertise..but i'll break that soon. i think i'll do sample cakes for my staff room n hope word of mouth gives me one lead...
I did some call cards and passed to friends and family (approximately 3 months ago) no reponse thus far. Also, good luck on your birthday cake Kim. Please post pics.

Kim Washington said:
how r these plans progressing girl?

Teneisha Williams said:
Then I will have the launch...samples and everything...special discounts and so on....


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