Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Well I thought I just needed to share this with those who like me have not tried before.

Got up 4am for an early start to this weekend orders, to find I had no parchment paper left !!

I could remember once watching a cooking programme and on it the person baking a cake was using tinfoil, well with nothing to lose (but a cake) and no other option thought I would give it a try.

Excellent, don't know why this isn't broadcasted more much easier doesn't flop over.  I used a square tin for my first cake and lined full length from one side across the bottom and up the other side and then again the other way, i then put a small amount of white flora over (just incase) because that came out perfect on my next, round, cake I lined the sides only with the foil because I did have a tiny amount to cover the base with parchment, again excellent.

Well I hope my little story helps another cake baker out of a situation :-) 

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My Mom I know used foil for her pound cakes Mandy. Large round tin. But never her "regular" cakes. I don't use either. I make my own "cake release". Slap it on generously all over bottom & sides. Works perfectly every time. Cake pops right out. :o)

Most my tins are loose bottoms ones so if I dont line they drip through the gap when they first go in the oven, then that drip burns lol you think your cake is burning but it's not

But it sure is good to know that good ole fashion tin foil will work. Thanks for posting the tip. :o)

Never heard of using tin foil Mandy - great idea for a back up, so thanks for sharing.

June, how do you make your cake release? So you don't use any parchment or waxed paper at all? Wow, what a timesaver!!! Thanks in advance!

If you use foil to line tins make sure that, when you peel it from the cake or cookies, no foil is left in any creases the foil may have made because it was not smoothed out enough. If I have used tin foil to line a tin, especial a round or shaped tin, I usually run a wooden spoon around it to smooth out any creases.

Thanks Joyce excellent bit of information, last thing we need to happen

I just use cake release too... hate cutting parchment or anything. 

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