Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I've watched the tutorial for kneading fondant, and she used cornflour or cornstarch while kneading. Then in the website, it says knead in some extra powdered sugar. I used powdered sugar before and my fondant had holes and cracks when I put it on the cake. So I am thinking to use cornstarch this time. Do you think this will make my fondant smooth? I use Bakels Pettinice ready to roll fondant. couldn't find Wilton's or Satin Ice brand. Please help me ladies!!! Thanks so much.


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First Maria

Don't ever use Wilton, even if someone gave it to you for free. Terrrible stuff. If your Fondant developed cracks & holes, it was too dry.  Cornstarch/cornflower and powdered sugar will both dry out your fondant if you add too much. You need to knead your fondant really well when you first take it out of your bucket, at least 15 min or more. Helps to make it easy to work with, more pliable. I think is a mistake that everyone makes. I know if I am in a hurry and don't spend the time to knead my fondant, I have trouble. But I bought the Mat, so rolling out any fondant, large or small is really easy. You don't need prwd sugar or cornstarch.

Hi June! Thanks for your immediate reply. I have a silicon cellboard which I use for kneading fondant. Couldn't buy the Silpat mat yet. You know me I just inherited my baking tools if I need something it will take time to buy it because of the money I need. This sometimes makes me frustrated.....My husband kneads the fondant for me and he uses pwdrd sugar and shortening so that it wont stick. Maybe he should try to knead first till it's pliable and not to add too much sugar. Thanks again for your help.

June Kowalczyk said:

First Maria

Don't ever use Wilton, even if someone gave it to you for free. Terrrible stuff. If your Fondant developed cracks & holes, it was too dry.  Cornstarch/cornflower and powdered sugar will both dry out your fondant if you add too much. You need to knead your fondant really well when you first take it out of your bucket, at least 15 min or more. Helps to make it easy to work with, more pliable. I think is a mistake that everyone makes. I know if I am in a hurry and don't spend the time to knead my fondant, I have trouble. But I bought the Mat, so rolling out any fondant, large or small is really easy. You don't need prwd sugar or cornstarch.

Hi Maria,

I'm like you,don't have the funds to buy everything I want, so don't have a mat.  I don't use anything to knead the fondant anymore, it just gets too dry and it will crack for sure.  I use a little cornstarch to roll it out as I find that doesn't stick as much as icing sugar does.  But as little as possible!  Then, when it's rolled out, I go over it with the palm of my hand and a fondant smoother before putting it on the cake, to try to put a little moisture back in it, so it doesn't crack.  The other thing, when you put it on the cake, don't have too much excess, or the weight of it will pull it down and tear it (at least that's what happens to me!)

I, like you Katy, use as little cornstarch as possible.  I bought that Mat when I was still working, otherwise, I couldn't really afford it now. I must say, it is a lifesafer!!  Especially with really large pieces. The fondant defintitely never tears as would happen when I used my rolling pin to transfer onto the cake.  But I am fortunate that I am able to find a lot of decorating supplies around here at a resonable price.  My Wal Mart now sells food grade vinyl in a roll. Roll it out & buy as big as you want. That wasn't there when I bought my Mat. Would have saved me big bucks!!!

Ok ladies, I will try not to use icing sugar. I saw it on the online class, she just use a little cornstarch. Maybe Satin Ice is also a nice fondant than Pettinice but I found one shop who sells Satin Ice and the price is double. So I will not earn if I use that eventhough I want it. Have you ever done doing your own fondant? I have never tried except for MMF. Do you think it will be as smooth and good as Satin Ice if I make my own? There are some fondant recipes in my books. I hope we will have more cake orders so that we can buy all the things we need to make our cake beautiful. I really like to buy Silpat mat and pasta roller. But for the meantime, I need to improvise and do everything manually. You're lucky that you have some shops where you can find what you need. Here, there are only 2 shops but they only sell the basic ingredients. So we need to go to Manila, 2 hrs. drive to get those that I need, gasoline and toll fee will just eat my profit!!! I will follow your instructions. Hope everything will turn out well now. Thank you very much for always being there to help me. God bless...

Yes Maria

Making your own MMF is just as smooth as store bought as far as I am concerned. I used my homemade for my cupcakes this past wknd, and everyone loved it. Ate them right up. I flavored the fondant with some coconut, clear vanilla & citrus  flavoring. It tastes so much like marshmallows... much better than store bought.  Way cheaper as well.  I still have to master ivory coloured MMF tho. Tried twice, and it came out to "brown".  But I used it for practice.... waste not

And we are more than happy to help Maria....    :o)

Yes it's expensive to buy pre-made fondant. The problem with MMF is it's sticky. Maybe for cupcakes MMF is fine. The marshmallow here are no so white. It's good only if you are coloring it but if it's white, no! You are all so kind, ready to help and I'm so glad I found and joined this site. I'm not scared to do any cakes because I know you're there. I'm learning and will keep on learning till I become a good Cake Decorator like you. Thanks and lot!!!  Happy weekend!!!

Maria - same problem in the UK with the marshmallows.  It's very difficult to find just white ones - and those you can get are so expensive (I think because they know they are wanted by cake decorators and everything for caking is expensive here).  I made June's chocolate mmf and had to use pink and white and it came out quite a funny colour lol!

Can you get powdered fondant icing sugar where you are?  Silver Spoon make it here and you can use it for pouring fondant or modelling, depending on how much water you add.  It already has dried glucose syrup added to it.  If you can get this, I don't know if it will work out cheaper for you?

Hi Katy! I'm not sure if i can get fondant icing sugar. Shops here sell icing sugar which I use for MMF. Is it the same?Very seldom that you can find  here small marshmallows. So whenever I use it I need to cut it in small pcs. Happy Sunday!!!!

Hi Maria - no, it's not the same as normal icing sugar.  It's especially made for fondant icing, so you don't have to add all the extras like you do with normal icing sugar, you just add water.  Here's a link to what I am talking about -

They also do powder to make easy Royal Icing, very helpful when you are in a hurry, can't be bothered, or can't get the ingredients.
Maria Gemini said:

Hi Katy! I'm not sure if i can get fondant icing sugar. Shops here sell icing sugar which I use for MMF. Is it the same?Very seldom that you can find  here small marshmallows. So whenever I use it I need to cut it in small pcs. Happy Sunday!!!!

Hey Maria

Here is a homemade mmf NOT using marshmallows.  Found on CC.  Hope this helps.  :o)

 1/2 cup milk 3 packs gelatin (6 tsp - for reference in case you wanted to 1/2 the recipe) 1 cup corn syrup 3 Tbsp butter, unsalted 3 Tbsp glycerin 2 tsp vanilla (sometimes I use more) dash salt 3-4 lb powdered sugar, sifted (at least once) *note - all tablespoons and teaspoons are level, not heaped (had a question about this from another CC'er)
- combine milk and gelatin & allow to firm - cook over double boiler until gelatin is dissolved - add remaining ingredients(except sugar) & cook until butter is almost melted - cool to lukewarm (I come back to it and stir periodically so it doesn't form a "skin" on the top or get clumpy) - strain into mixer containing 2 lb powdered sugar (one bag) - mix slowly until just combined - use dough hook, add several more cups of sugar, & mix on low until combined - continue to add sugar until it holds its shape on hook - turn onto powdered sugar surface & knead - wrap in oil painted plastic wrap and put in ziplock freezer bag - let stand for 24 hours before using
I always coat my hands, counter, and rolling pin with shortening when I'm ready to use. I also have powdered sugar on hand to dust with if it seems sticky, to firm it up a little bit.
I had to do it a couple of times to be able to tell when I had added enough powdered sugar. If it is too stiff, I just add a tiny bit of water, and use more shortening on my hands/counter/rolling pin and that helps to add more moisture and flexibility. Be careful when it's mixing not to let it get too hard, or it will be difficult to work with and you'll have to do a lot of "adjusting" to get it the consistency you want it! I would rather it be too soft and be able to add more powdered sugar as I knead. ENJOY!!
Source: Michele Foster

Hello! Now I know what you mean. I already saw this type of sugar in Asda, Sainsbury and Tesco when I was in the UK. I'm not sure if I can find it here. Same story.... I just hope this time I can make a smooth fondant just following the instructions from Cake Style TV. Thank you so much Katy!!!

Katy Nott said:

Hi Maria - no, it's not the same as normal icing sugar.  It's especially made for fondant icing, so you don't have to add all the extras like you do with normal icing sugar, you just add water.  Here's a link to what I am talking about -

They also do powder to make easy Royal Icing, very helpful when you are in a hurry, can't be bothered, or can't get the ingredients.
Maria Gemini said:

Hi Katy! I'm not sure if i can get fondant icing sugar. Shops here sell icing sugar which I use for MMF. Is it the same?Very seldom that you can find  here small marshmallows. So whenever I use it I need to cut it in small pcs. Happy Sunday!!!!

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