Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Sometimes I use buttercream in icing my cupcakes, but I can't make a nice swirl because my buttercream is melting.  Can somebody help me how to make a good buttercream icing that will not melt easily? I live in the Philippines and the weather here is hot, that's one of the problem. 

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Hi Maria.  There are quite a few discussions on the internet about this very same problem.  I live in the UK, so obviously we never have that issue here lol!  Here is a link to a blog and recipe that may help you, the author is in the Cayman Islands.

Hi Maria

My go to icing for hot weather is similar to what Katy gave you the link for. But I don't put butter in mine as with extreme heat, it breaks down. I use all high ratio shortening & the cornstarch. So icing won't taste greasy,  I add butter flavoring with whatever other flavor I am adding.  I also add meringue powder to the icing,  helps icing to crust. For humid weather here, I usually  mix 2 batches of icing together.  One of the shortening based icing & one of royal icing. You know,  it is getting harder to find "high ratio" shortening now.  So if I can't get it, I put in 1/4 cup of lard. I know many may read this and think....  ewwww, gross. But if you make pies, most crust is at least 1/2 lard.  And after all, cake/cupcakes are a treat we don't eat every day.  So a small amount of lard won't do that much harm.  :o)

Hello Ms. Katy! Thanks for the video and for your time to reply. I will try the recipe when I made some cupcakes.God bless.
Katy Nott said:

Hi Maria.  There are quite a few discussions on the internet about this very same problem.  I live in the UK, so obviously we never have that issue here lol!  Here is a link to a blog and recipe that may help you, the author is in the Cayman Islands.

It's me again. This is really helpful to me as I don't have a good buttercream recipe. I haven't tried mixing shortening and butter nor even meringue powder. The problem here is some ingredients are not available in the store for I live in the province. I will buy meringue powder when I go to Manila, about 2 hour drive from here. Thanks June! Goodnight and sweetdreams!

June Kowalczyk said

Hi Maria

My go to icing for hot weather is similar to what Katy gave you the link for. But I don't put butter in mine as with extreme heat, it breaks down. I use all high ratio shortening & the cornstarch. So icing won't taste greasy,  I add butter flavoring with whatever other flavor I am adding.  I also add meringue powder to the icing,  helps icing to crust. For humid weather here, I usually  mix 2 batches of icing together.  One of the shortening based icing & one of royal icing. You know,  it is getting harder to find "high ratio" shortening now.  So if I can't get it, I put in 1/4 cup of lard. I know many may read this and think....  ewwww, gross. But if you make pies, most crust is at least 1/2 lard.  And after all, cake/cupcakes are a treat we don't eat every day.  So a small amount of lard won't do that much harm.  :o)

Thank you Miss Katy Nott for sharing to me the link to the video for butter cream. The recipe really doesn't melt easily. Now I can my cakes and cupcakes with butter cream because before I was so scared to do it for my clients.

So glad to be of help Maria.  There's no stopping you now!

Maria Gemini said:

Thank you Miss Katy Nott for sharing to me the link to the video for butter cream. The recipe really doesn't melt easily. Now I can my cakes and cupcakes with butter cream because before I was so scared to do it for my clients.

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