Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I'm looking for a tutorial to make a chocolate city scape to put on top of a cake.  I have seen one before but can't find it.  Or if anyone can help me find chocolate molds for this I would be forever grateful.

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Don't know if this will help Faith, but there are 2 ways you could go about this.

1. Make or find a drawing of the city scape you want and make a chocolate transfer. Basically piping melted chocolate on to a image on parchment paper. But, depending on size, could be tricky where you place it. I created a solid chocolate 'background" to pipe my picture on. It was placed flat on the cake top.  So this might not be the affect you want. Especially if you want to stand it up on the top of cake.

2. Same as above, finding, make a picture. Make moldeling chocolate, lay your picture on top of chocolate, cut out. Modeling chocolate is very flexible, easy to work with. This would "stand up" on top of a cake & easily placed on the side of cake as well.

Hope this gives you some ideas.   :o)

thanks June, both are great ideas.  I will try both as this isn't due until april.  thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Faith, I know you can get patchwork cutters and embossers for a New York city skyline, don't know if that helps at all.  Depends where you want to put it I suppose........

Or craftsy have a buy tutorial for modelling chocolate, but it's expensive lol -

Thicko me!  didn't read your post properly, you want to put it on the top of the cake der...........

I'm with June - make a template and cut round it in modelling chocolate.  Don't know if this video will give you any ideas.  It's not very comprehensive, but you see some of the things that she has done -

thanks Katy.  I will look at craftsy and the you tube video you suggested.  thanks again.

The Craftsy classes are really informative and you have access to them for life. You even get fast responses from the teachers if you need help and ask a question.  I'm currently enrolled in 3 and adding another next week probably. When you sign up, they will usually send you an email with a discount especially, if you sign up and wait a few days before going back to the site. If you get the newsletter, they are constantly putting the classes on sale, at least 25% off. So far, I haven't paid full price for  a class yet, however, at $39.99 it's still a still considering what you would have to pay for a live class from these same teachers.  Also, after you buy your first class, you get an email with an additional savings if you immediately add another class. At least this was my experience, I hope it helps. Good luck! I'm planning on taking the Chocolate City Scapes class soon as well.

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