Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi newbies, 


Welcome to Cakes We Bake. Please introduce yourself here.

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nope. not familiar with mud cake. why do they call it mud cake?

yes I'm interested, feel free to send me the recipe! thanks!

Goreti said:

Welcome newbies.  Aronna, have you tried making a mud cake?  I have recently made 2 different kinds, white chocolate & chocolate.    I didn't even have to use the mixer just a whisk.  I found them very very easy to make and the great thing is that they are best eaten 3 days or so after baking.  Gives you plenty of time to torte them and decorate.  If you are interested in the recipes, just let me know.

Hey Goreti

Can you send me the mud cake recipe through the private message??  Thanks.    :0)

Hi All, been on this site occasionally for a few months now so thought I better intro myself. I'm a SAHM to two beautiful little blessings, daughter turning 3 next week and a newborn son... So I have alot of cake making years ahead of me. Only a beginner. My first cake was my daughters 2nd bday cake and it was ugly. It was a hi5 hand and I used a store bought cake topper, a large knife and buttercream... Oh good Lord thank God she didn't have a party and it was just us!! I decided from then, to start small. For a mother day present I learned how to make cupcakes with the icing as flowers using the Wilton petal tip. That was easy as and looked fabulous so it inspired me to keep trying. I'm too busy to really practice much, so when birthdays come around I jump at the opportunity. I meddled with fondant about a month back. Learned alot from it, didn't turn out perfect... But was better than the hi5 cake disaster! I've found that cake decorating is an expensive hobby to start up!! Baking products are pricey in Australia compared to other countries. Wilton gel colors are $6 aud for example. My American friend said they are like $2 over there!!
Anyways, I really enjoy the end result of a beautiful cake. I dont have alot of patience with it, and I tend to freak out when I'm on a deadline so it'll be an interesting but growing experience for me every time I do a cake. I just want to know how to do everything NOW lol. And I'm such a perfectionist that I get super disappointed when my work doesn't turn out like you see in the magazines or bakery windows hahaha. I'm very creative and have no problem dreaming up amazing decorating ideas... The problem is skill building. Practice makes perfect so I'll get there... I hope.... One cake at a time :-)
This site has been SO helpful so far and there are some absolutely brilliant cakes and goodies here! Love it!
Welcome Penny
We are ALL our worst enemies when it comes to decorating, or anything else for that matter. You sound much further ahead then I was when I started. That's when my children were small as well. Did it for a few yrs., then all went on the back burner when I went back to work & kids were in sports. Started back up about 5 yrs ago.
I just finished a Ring Box for a engagement cake. It was 1/2 fondant, 1/2 gumpaste. It was nice & hard, sitting quietly in our spare room. Then hubby decided we didn't need the AC on & opened the windows. It has been humid here where I live. Well went up this aft, & it was starting to go soft!! GRrrrrr. I re-positioned, & moved it to a cooler room, in a closet. Fingers crossed it gets hard again!
Ah Penny..... the joys & trials of decorating! It is just a hobby, & I love it,I don't know why I make myself crazy!!
Hope you enjoy the site & we can help you where we can.

Grace Fischer said:

Hi my name is Grace Fischer. I am from a little town in Florida. I think this is a wonderful web site but unfortunately I don't know how to use it. If anyone can give me any tips I would greatly appreciate it.                 


Hey ya Grace  I am still having probs with the site.. and i have been a member for a while.. still don't quite understand the workings of it. I suppose I would if I spent more time on here.  :)


Hi, my name is Susan,

I joined a few days ago. I don't have a business, I am just a home baker who loves making cakes and want's to expand my knowledge.

I am baking a cake for my mothers 80th birthday soon and it will be first time I will be attempting sugar gum paste flowers and decorations. I have been watching loads of video's on YouTube regarding this and found them to be very helpful. 

What I could use some advice on is when to actually make the cake, when to make the gum paste decorations etc etc. Her birthday is October 6th.

Any advice from you experienced ladies would be much appreciated .

Depends on what medium for the flowers Susan. 100% fondant can take up to a week to 2 wks to dry depending on the humidity where you live. Fondant/tylose .... Fondant/gumpaste 50/50... Those 2 less time. Fastest is 100%. gumpaste. I know.... Very confusing?? Everyone has their own preference of which medium they use, comes from experience. Generally speaking tho, I would say start minimum 10-11 days before to make your flowers. Make a extra couple if you can in case of breakage.
As far as the cake, I have baked & froze my cakes a month ahead. Well wrapped of course. I generally bake a week before & freeze. Cake becomes moist, and is easier to crumb coat when slightly cold. Say party is a Sat, I take my cake out Thur night, put in fridge. The Fri, cover with BC/fondant & add my decorations. Doing things in stages spreads out all the work. I have done from start to finish in one day...... way to hard, physically & mentally. This way cake is done day before, any "surprises" can be dealt with and you can relax. You're not scrambling the day of getting stressed out.
Hope this info helps you. Anymore questions were all here to help.

Hi Theresa. I am also a newbie glad to meet you. I am in  dilemma. My grandaughter wants to make a cake with Fairies on it for her Mom's birththday. Do you ar anyone else have ay suggestions as to how I would go about this daunting task.



Hello, my name is Sylvia Moya, I joined this week.  I live in Texas. I was looking through google about cake designs and came across this website. I have been baking cakes mostly for family for 40 years and trying to keep up with the new techniques. I love to challenge myself on what I feel is impossible to do. I have not charged for a cake in years, never knew exactly what was the appropriate amount to charge and still don't! I love looking at all the different cake designs on here =) Looking forward to learning new things!

Welcome Sylvia. :0)


Hi I am 54 years old. I live in Charleston SC. I enjoy doing cakes as a hobby just for family and close friends and especially the children.  I have not taken cake decorating classes. After looking on You tube I got hooked on cakes so I just researched and looked at a lot of videos.  I have never attempted to do royal icing or fondant. I have only stuck with butter cream. One day I may get brave enough to try some other things. 

I just wanted to thank all of you for all the information that I am reading and learning on this forum. Much to read and much to learn!!! I have really enjoyed looking at the cake pictures also.  I can see there are many talented and artistic people here.  I am glad that I found this forum!!!!

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