Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi everyone,

Ive spent hours looking at nozzels today and the more i look, the more im getting confused !


Ive noticed that they all have numbers and letters. Are these standard ?

I have 6 nozzels at the moment that was a set, they have numbers and letters on them.

I bought an extra one a ' closed star rose swirl' to do the pretty ' open rose' look on some cupcakes.

Although, i think i bought the wrong one. I have tried it and i cant do it !  It just looks a mess so i cried and gave up :-(

I dont know what im doing wrong? Is it my buttercream or me ?!!


I would love to be able to do this! But also i need a large one for this giant cupcake.

Does it need to be a particular one, like ' open star'  or 'closed star' ?

I dont know which would look best on a giant cupcake?


Thank you for any help

A very confused



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Oh bless you ! Thank you so much.  The frilly bits are only here and there, round the edges. Just cant figure it out. I added a tiny bit of milk with second batch as i thought it might be too dry. The outside lines of the roses aren't a straight clean line. Its a little hard to explain. 

I just cant get over how much easier it was !! I keep going into the kitchen and looking at it !!!! Oh dear !

Im going to be naming it next lol The mixer came with cookbook so, am i going to be busy !!

Its certainly going to get some use, ive now been asked to make a few batches of upcakes for a local shop !?!


Thank you again

Lis x







I'm with June on the 'frilly bits' thing.  In the top picture, the bottom of the rose looks like that might be what you mean.  i agree with the crusting over possibility.  Is your icing drying out in the bowl perhaps?  You will then get some bits coming out a bit drier than others.  Try covering your bowl (damp teacloth is best), while your not using it and don't scrape the icing of the edges of the bowl to put in your bag.

I am pretty sure Lisa's piping edges are the "crusting". And what Katy says is so right, we forgot to mention you should keep your icing covered at all times. I also use a wet tea towel like Katy. Otherwise it will dry out and get "crispy" And another good tip from Katy we also forgot, not scraping the icing from the side of your bowl into your icing bag.  Funny, eh Katy, we do things so automatic, we don't think to mention it. 

Kudos Lisa for being aske to supply cupcakes for a local shop.... your mixmaster and you will be getting a work out.....  hee hee.... :o)

omg how cool is that?  Being asked to bake for a shop - awesome.  I know how you feel about your maching - I am besotted with mine, she's my best friend.

Lisa said:

Oh bless you ! Thank you so much.  The frilly bits are only here and there, round the edges. Just cant figure it out. I added a tiny bit of milk with second batch as i thought it might be too dry. The outside lines of the roses aren't a straight clean line. Its a little hard to explain. 

I just cant get over how much easier it was !! I keep going into the kitchen and looking at it !!!! Oh dear !

Im going to be naming it next lol The mixer came with cookbook so, am i going to be busy !!

Its certainly going to get some use, ive now been asked to make a few batches of upcakes for a local shop !?!


Thank you again

Lis x







HA !! Was a bit of a shock to be asked !! Going to have to come up with a name for my little girl LOL

Oh yeah , huge work out !!! Thank you both :-)

I will use a wet tea towel.

I just cant wait till tomorow to practise some more so im going to do some after dinner !!

Tomorow,im hoping to do compleat trial run of the cake.

Grandad s got to have an op on thursday, which is a little worrying as hes got a leaky heart valve as well as his COPD so i need to be doing something to keep me busy.

I do have a couple more questions but i think ive pesterd you enough this eve LOL



Thank you both SO much, i feel im part of the club now i have a real mixer LOL 


;-) Lis x


Read a couple of reviews of your mixer.  On a scale of 1-10, It is not a 10, but neither is a 4-5. It has some limitations, but what mixer doesn't??  Some say your mixer is noisy??  My KA isn't the quietest either. And when it runs for awhile, there is this large metal pin that shimmies out!!!  Have to bang it back in with a hammer....  but I don't care, it works, does the job I want.  Hubby got it for me for Christmas 3 or so years ago for a bargain price. I am still thrilled with it.... Even more thrilled with my Bosh.... super heavy duty...  Us gals and our toys... hee hee

Yup Lisa your part of the club.....  :o)

OK, so I've had a look at some reviews on your machine and it looks like you have a good buy there.  There are a lot of reviews from everyday people on this link to Amazon - one of them particularly mentions the resting time thing.

Good luck to your gdad. xx

Thank to you both. Oh no June a shimming pin !  I think bf did read a few reviews. Hes into finding things out like that. You have to be careful what you ask him!

I didnt know he had ordered it !! It was on Ebay at £199 but offered for £99.95 He ordered it on sun and it came today !!

Its not noisey at all, i popped into my next door neighbour to warn her its not a boeing 747 landing on the roof its my new toy, but it wasn't noisey at all !!

I would say its less noisey than the 300w hand mixer i was using!!


Thanks again ;-)

Lis x



Lisa, Here is a link for you to actually see how they do a rose swirl on a cake. I do better by seeing a person decorate than by just looking at the tips.  The Wilton tip she is using is the 1M tip. Hope this helps you out.

Lisa said:

Thank you hun,bless you !

Iv'e just finished doing a batch of cupcakes. I havent attempted to pipe them. I tried earlier today and yes, i cried. Its knocked my confidance to be honest      :-(   See ? ....Just awful ! :-(

The cakes are fine, ive done white chocolate and raspberry for my aunt. I thought, shall i risk another go?... and decided against it. I didnt want to spoil the cakes! lol

Ive got some creme fraiche left over from tonights beef stroganoff so i thought i might use some of the rasp juices with the c fraiche and pop that over the top instead !!!


I got in such a state trying to get the piping right today!


Thank you again xx




Great video Mary, thanks for posting it.  See Lisa - everyone gets air bubbles in their icing lol!

Mary Ponds said:

Lisa, Here is a link for you to actually see how they do a rose swirl on a cake. I do better by seeing a person decorate than by just looking at the tips.  The Wilton tip she is using is the 1M tip. Hope this helps you out.

Lisa said:

Thank you hun,bless you !

Iv'e just finished doing a batch of cupcakes. I havent attempted to pipe them. I tried earlier today and yes, i cried. Its knocked my confidance to be honest      :-(   See ? ....Just awful ! :-(

The cakes are fine, ive done white chocolate and raspberry for my aunt. I thought, shall i risk another go?... and decided against it. I didnt want to spoil the cakes! lol

Ive got some creme fraiche left over from tonights beef stroganoff so i thought i might use some of the rasp juices with the c fraiche and pop that over the top instead !!!


I got in such a state trying to get the piping right today!


Thank you again xx




Ah Lisa

WE  ALL  have good & bad decorating days!!! Trust me!!  There are some days with my hands I don't pipe very well.  Practice makes perfect....  :o)

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