Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

September 24th
PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:01 am  Reply with quoteBack to top
I found this a while ago, don't remember where but I saved it and never tried it.
"saw a few posts asking how to make gold and silver for piping.....found this recipe and thought I would share it:

2 ts. Powdered sugar
2 ts. gold silver or metallic dusting powder
clear alcohol
1 ts. piping gel

On a small ceramic plae, mix sugar and dusting powder. Add a few drops of clear alcohol (gin or vodka is suggested) and mix with a small palette knife to create a stiff paste

Add the piping gel, a little at a time, mixing well until the consistency for piing in reached. Use a very small piping bag and tip as needed. The leftovers can be put into a small container and stored in the refrigerator. It will keep indefinitely YOU NEED 4 GRAMS FOR THIS ! PLUS YOU CAN ADD MORE POWDER SUGAR , YOU WILL LOVE IT !

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Thanks foe this wonderful tip . What color of piping gel?

clear piping gel ! i used wiltons !

i used clear wiltons !
victoria Alabi said:

Thanks foe this wonderful tip . What color of piping gel?

I just realised I don't have piping gel. could this mix be added to royal icing?

i think you can find a recipe for piping gel , i'l look for one to , but , ! i realy dont know  ; /i was thinking the same , ? i would have to buy some more AZTEC GOLD ,to try the royal ! sorry ; (( 

recipe for home made piping gel !

Friday, March 09, 2007

Free Easy recipe for Home Made Piping Gel


1/3 cup sugar,
1 tablespoon cornflour,
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice,
1/4 cup water.


Mix sugar and corn flour in a small saucepan, gradually add juice then water. Stir over high heat until mixture boils then thickens. Colour as desired using liquid or powder
Dont take your eye off the ball whilst making it or it goes lumpy you have to stir it all the time. It keeps for weeks in the fridge

whoop whoop thanks sooo much....

I want to forget about work right now and go home to make this! I wish I could! :)

do you use this in place of royal icing?

i just posted the recipe for piping gel

Carlette Dlamini said:

I just realised I don't have piping gel. could this mix be added to royal icing?

got it!! thank u so much soo much!!! :)

I dont care about work right now and want to go home to try out this recipe

art deco cakes by galidink said:

i just posted the recipe for piping gel

Carlette Dlamini said:

I just realised I don't have piping gel. could this mix be added to royal icing?


Carlette Dlamini said:

got it!! thank u so much soo much!!! :)

I dont care about work right now and want to go home to try out this recipe

art deco cakes by galidink said:

i just posted the recipe for piping gel

Carlette Dlamini said:

I just realised I don't have piping gel. could this mix be added to royal icing?

Thanks again, trying this right now..... You are the best
Victoria alabi

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