Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Has anyone used the Babycakes Cake Pop Maker

I noticed there are a ton of people searching for in on Google.

If anyone has any experience with the Babycakes Cake pop maker please leave a review here.

Thank you

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i bought one at canadian tire and made some hot pink cakepops using a white cake mix, strawberry jello powder and cut up fresh strawberries.  they released very nicely from the pop maker and didn't drastically dry out the little cakes, when I left one batch in the machine for twice as long as the first ones. the set temperature seems perfect.

I bought both my d-i-laws each one.  I bought myself the babycakes donut maker.

I love mine.  My one d-i-law uses hers quite often.  In fact she ended up buying the cupcake maker!

What I love about them is that they are quick - approx. 4 minutes to cook and they pop right out.  The only drawback is if you like the gooy ones that are made by mashing the cooked cakes with icing you will not get the same taste.  I have found the pops (and donuts) not as sweet or heavy which suits me fine and is less sugar for the little ones.

I got these at Kohl's in Buffalo NY

Would I buy them again - all but one (the one d-i-law I don't think has ever used hers).

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