Peony cakephotoPeony cake2 Favoritesyorkie cakephotoyorkie cake6 FavoritesOcala ICED showphotoOcala ICED show8 FavoritesWork in progressphotoWork in progress10 FavoritesROYAL AND GELATINphotoROYAL AND GELATIN4 FavoritesHello kitty Easter cakephotoHello kitty Easter cake1 FavoriteAlexander MacQueen inspired edible stilletophotoAlexander MacQueen inspired edible stilleto1 Favoriteplaying with fondant on a dummiephotoplaying with fondant on a dummie1 FavoriteModern Black & White Lambeth - 304FphotoModern Black & White Lambeth - 304F67 Favoritesblack and white wedding cake - 304Fphotoblack and white wedding cake - 304F82 Favorites
February 2012
cookies made with stencil and ambroideryphotocookies made with stencil and ambroidery1 FavoriteXTRA LARGE IRIS !photoXTRA LARGE IRIS !4 Favorites
January 2012
duckhuntingcake3smphotoduckhuntingcake3sm1 Favoriteleopardphotoleopard12 FavoritesFondant Fetish - Butterfly CupcakesphotoFondant Fetish - Butterfly Cupcakes1 Favoritehas anyone got a tissue???photohas anyone got a tissue???4 FavoritesFashionista CakephotoFashionista Cake2 FavoritesFree Hand Edible Gel PaintingphotoFree Hand Edible Gel Painting2 FavoritesCalla Lily ShoephotoCalla Lily Shoe1 Favoritehigh tea rosesphotohigh tea roses2 Favoriteshigh tea kitschphotohigh tea kitsch1 Favorite