Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Beginners Level Cake Decorating Instructions: Penguins & Igloos Theme

Here's a fun seasonal cake you can do with your kids and it's quick and easy to do with no experience or fancy tools required!

The cake should only take about 1 hour to finish (excluding baking time) and there's no fondant laying, piping, or cake carving - sounds good to me! Lol.

You will need:

a large cake pan for the base of the cake (round, square or rectangle... it's up to you)
2 small metal bowls
enough frosting to cover your cake
a butterknife
cake sprinkles
coconut flakes
a small amount of fondant to make figurines
food colouring (preferably colour paste)
your favourite gummy candies or smarties, etc, to make a border on your cake


Fill your cake pan and metal bowls with cake mix and bake for recommended baking time. Check on the smaller cakes frequently as they will not take very long to cook.
Once cooled cut off the cake tops with a serrated knife or a cake level to get a flat surface and arrange your bowl cakes on the base cake to figure out how you'd like the layout to look.
frost base cake
add "igloos" and frost
I added a little pool with some blue colour spray but you can mix a portion of frosting with blue food colour to make your water, or if you'd like to get fancier you can use blue gel to make your water look more realistic.
Toss on some coconut to look like snow (optional: throw on your favourite cake sprinkles to give the cake a little more colour, I used some edible star confetti.)
Next you'll need to let your frosting on the igloos develop a little "crust" so you can smooth it out using a napkin or paper towel. It only takes a few minutes for the icing to harden. Gently press the clean napkin all over the igloo to smooth out any bumps and give a soft smooth finish. My napkin had small bumps in it so it gave it a bit of texture.
Next is the fun part: figurine making! (and to save time you can actually start this process while your cakes are in the oven).
For this you can be as creative as you'd like. The basic process is just adding a bit of black colour to your fondant and rolling 2 balls - a smaller one for the head and a larger on for the body
add a white belly with a small round piece of fondant and then make a beek and little eyes and add little flippers and yellow feet.
when you have figurines standing up on a cake it's always a good idea to insert a toothpick up the centre to give it support and to make it easier to stand it up on your cake
you can also make a few "half figurines" like just a head and fines sticking out of the door to your igloo or...
a head and feet sticking out of the water or...
a penguin bum, lol
add a border using your favourite gummies, chocolate candies, fresh fruit, etc, to finish the sides of the cake
use a butterknife to etch some little lines into your "igloos" to look like snow bricks.
add some trees and snowmen.

Tip for the trees: make green fondant cones about 2 inches high by rolling the fondant between your hands and give more pressure to one end to give it a triangular cone shape, then take a pair of clean kitchen scissors and take little snips up the sides to make the little branches. make the snowmen it's a similar process to the penguin; you'll make 3 balls of fondant in gradually smaller sizes and skew them together with a toothpick. add eyes, a carrott nose and buttons.
Voila! Cake is finished...

Last bit of advice:

...add a few finishing touches to personalize your cake; a few additional details like a little fish in the water, little candycanes, gift boxes, etc wil make it a little more fun. You can also add some bows on your penguins if you'd like to make it more "girlie", or add some Santa Claus hats & scarves on on your penguins if you'd like to make it Christmas themed... add skiis on your snowmen to make them more fun... you're only limited by your imagination :-)

Advanced tips: cover your igloos in fondant and carve the igloo bricks, or use marbelized fondant for your water...

Good luck:-)

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