Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

8th Annual Panhandle Cake Show & Competition

The 8th Annual Panhandle Cake Show and Competition will be held in Gulf Breeze, FL at the Gulf Breeze Recreation Center on Saturday, February 18th, 2012. This year's theme is "Grandma's Attic" and we will, once again, have three adult and two youth divisions - so there will be something for everyone. Olympic-style medals will be given in each division as well as the Best of Show, People's Choice and Decorator's Choice. The Tasting Contest, On-Site Competitions (Amateur and One-Top), Children's Cookie Table, and the Bake Sale table will all be featured again. There will be tons of donated baskets and gifts that anyone can buy tickets for and win something awesome - cake things as well as non-cake things. All of our profits will once again benfit the Ronald McDonald House.

On Friday, February 17th, we will be offering classes by nationally known decorators abd instructors and many of them will be on hand as vendors at the show on Saturday. There will be more to come on who will be teaching the classes as soon as they are finalized.

Entry forms and information can be found on our website at of feel free to call, Susan Storey, at 850-206-3836. Bring your entries and show us all of the secret thins that can be found in YOUR Grandma's Attic!!! See you in Pendacola, FL in February.

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