Whilst routing through some old photos the other day, I came across some pictures of very early cakes that I had made. Just for fun, I thought I would share.
This one was for my Mum (obviously lol) and I used a porcelain figurehead . The piping technique was learnt at my mother's side.
lol, thanks Anne. Not bad for a real novice in those days. I do wonder though, if I could actually do it again these days..............the introduction of fondant has left me sadly lacking in piping practice.
This is a very pretty cake Katy, I like at my old pictures and they are a hoot, would never post them.
Thanks Goreti.
Actually June, this technique is not that hard. Butter icing and the right piping tip does most of the work for you. Not the straightest of lines lol, but the idea is there!
My daughter was a year old in 1981.... I can tell you I would NEVER have attemped ruffle technique!! I could barely ice a cake... I was into the Wilton drop flower cake pans. Got pretty good at it.... :o)
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