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Some requests do make you wonder !! But they did love it !

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Comment by Goreti on May 4, 2012 at 5:33pm

Martin, that is why I don't even think about selling my cakes.  I've had with dealing with customers. From 2000-2010, I worked in a call center of a major corporation as customer service/sales rep. It was unbelievable some of the things you had to endure.  So now this is just for fun.  Don't know how you guys do it.  If I had to deal with customer over a cake, some of them would end up wearing it. 

Comment by Linda Wolff on May 4, 2012 at 5:25pm

Thank God THAT one is over! Right?

Comment by Martin Brown on May 4, 2012 at 5:12pm

No she was , she wanted to know every dimention of the cakes down to tha thickness of the marzipan on the fruit cakes and the icing ,when i delivered it the people at the venue told me they had had her mother phone or email at least 4 times a week for the last 8 months , checking and double checking and questioning . so really i got off lightly in the grand scheme of things !!!

Comment by Linda Wolff on May 4, 2012 at 4:55pm

Martin, you make me laugh!!

Comment by Martin Brown on May 4, 2012 at 4:53pm

Thank you Linda , some people just have no idear !! , but how can you tell the bride to be that her idear sucks !!! She was a pain in the neck , so I would have loved to do so , LOL

Comment by Linda Wolff on May 4, 2012 at 4:41pm

Well....Martin, that is a strange combination. By themselves with a different cake motif they would look really cool, but this combo really is unusual. My Goddaughter did that to me on her wedding cake. It was the one that I frilled out in white, and at the wedding she had these huge fat love birds that were ceramic that she plopped on top. After that the whole cake looked goofy. Someone came up to me at the wedding and asked me if they were salt and pepper shakers. They sure looked like it. But on a different not, I LOVE your flowers!!!

Comment by Martin Brown on May 4, 2012 at 4:20pm

I could not quite understand their excitement about the Land rover !! Must have a dark and secret meaning !!!

Comment by Goreti on May 4, 2012 at 1:32pm

I feel for you.  It must have killed you to put the topper on.  Oh well, the customer is always (not) right.

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