Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

My first wafer paper flower. Dusted it with petal dust but wasn't happy with so decided to try edible makers. Very easy to make but I won't be giving up on gumpaste. Prefer the realism of gumpaste flowers.

Views: 171

Comment by Goreti on July 19, 2014 at 6:24pm

Thanks Bonnie.  I really like the color that I achieved using the edible markers.  Wasn't happy with the dusts.  The reason why the leaves looks like that is when I dusted them with dark green there were spots that had some piping gel on them causing the dark spots.  The lighter green is the edible marker.

Comment by Bonnie Willey on July 19, 2014 at 5:53pm

The leaves are cute too, but it looks like a bug got to one of

Comment by Bonnie Willey on July 19, 2014 at 5:51pm

I've seen them making these, and they never thought to get out the scissors, and that really helped with the effect you were going after.  It is as cute as can be!  I luv ittttt!  IMHO it is better than the ones they want you to pay money to learn in the classes! lol  Can't get over how good those little snips made it look!  And the vibrant use of color really adds to the effect also.  Way to go Girl!!

Comment by Goreti on July 19, 2014 at 2:24pm

Thanks Sandra.  

Comment by Sandra Smiley on July 19, 2014 at 2:23pm

I like this, too, Goreti.  Absolutely, it is not in the category of your gum paste flowers for realism, but lovely none the less.  Great job for your first try.

Comment by Goreti on July 19, 2014 at 12:16pm

Thank you both.  It really is easy to make.  I am going to put this on a quick cake I made for my niece's birthday.  Been wanting to try a new cake recipe so figured I would go for it.  Too lazy to make fondant so I'm just going to use some of my leftover fondant and one of my onlay moulds.

Comment by June Kowalczyk on July 19, 2014 at 11:40am
It's so pretty not a "real flower".... But wafer paper flowers aren't necessarily suppose to be "real". Beauty is subjective. I really like I said....pretty so delicate looking...
Comment by Katy Nott on July 19, 2014 at 10:40am

I think this is beautiful Goreti.  It looks so much like the water lilies in our small pond (when they decide to flower that is, which isn't often!)

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