Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

This is just a little dinky dummy cake that I wanted to try my hand with the billowing technique. I used the smallest foam circles that I could find in the floral section of our craft store. It is covered in fondant, then I cut squares out of the smallest cutter I have for the top cake, and then used the next smallest cutter for the bottom, pinching the ends and pressing them into the fondant. The top tier has edible sugar pearls that I placed between each billow, and the bottom art balls I rolled from fondant. The anemones are made from gum paste. Thanks for looking!

Views: 1921


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Comment by Cakes by Ronie on August 17, 2011 at 9:00pm
very nice job!
Comment by Linda Wolff on August 17, 2011 at 1:04pm
You are right, Dawn, the black does get lost. I think I should have used smaller candy pearls, but they were the only ones I had on hand, and like a dummy, didn't think to use balls of white fondant or gum paste until I got down to the bottom tier and had no black balls and had to make my own. I think those large pearls block out the 'pinch pleated' part on the black. I'm pretty impressed that you actually thought I planned the cake stand as a carry through with the theme of dots....but I can't take any credit for being that thought out. It was just the stand that I had on hand that was small enough to put that cake on. You have a better eye than I do because I didn't even see that until you mentioned it. I haven't seen your thread about putting a description on how they are made with the cakes, but it sure is good to find out that someone else feels the same way I do.  I still have a few of my own that I put up quickly without renaming and describing, but I am working on it. Thanks Dawn.
Comment by Dawn Becker on August 17, 2011 at 12:50pm

Thank you for the description without being asked.  I already knew about the tutorial, but what about those who didn't?  Thank you!!  Doesn't this make it so much nicer when people look at your cake and you've already given them directions and they can just say thank you?  I'm the one who started the thread about descriptions - so I appreciate it so much.


Now back to your cake - DUH on me!!!!!!!  I never thought of doing it in black and white like you have done.  It's great!!!  In the pic the upper tier seems a little lost - I'm sure it looks awesome in person, though.  It's so hard to take pics on black fondant.  I also appreciate how the cake stand is a perfect stand for this cake.  It carries out the theme.


Great display cake for your window!!  OH!  And I love the flowers also.

Comment by sharon lane on August 17, 2011 at 11:13am
This ia amazing it's the first time i've seen it donr and it is beautiful!
Comment by Linda Wolff on August 17, 2011 at 9:56am
Thank you Ruby...I don't know who ever came up with the concept, but I've seen several cakes done in this style and wanted to give it a try for myself to see how hard it was. It's not hard at all, just time consuming. Gretchen posted a link below to a picture tutorial that is very similar to how I did mine. The difference is that I used square cutters and started from the top and worked down. Using the ribbon cutter seems like it would take less time than the cutters. Thank you for your kind words, everyone.
Comment by RUBY JOHNSON on August 17, 2011 at 9:30am
Stunning. I've never seen this technique before. I love it. Great job.
Comment by Gretchen Belsome on August 17, 2011 at 9:24am
Well you did an awesome job for winging it!!! I would have had known where to even start.  I hope to get to try this soon.
Comment by Samantha Paulus on August 17, 2011 at 9:07am
WOW! Amazing!!!
Comment by Linda Wolff on August 17, 2011 at 7:53am
Thank you Nadia..that really means a lot to me.
Comment by Nadia (zohreh) on August 17, 2011 at 7:45am
I love all your works ,and this is no exception!

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