Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

This is my first time ever entering a competition. I thought I did pretty good...until I saw all the other cakes! I'm still glad I tried and I heard feedback from the judges will be invaluable! How many of you have entered competitions/contests?

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Comment by Jessica V on February 25, 2010 at 7:40am
BTW, this cake had so many firsts and I will not be trying that again for a competition. It took me a lot longer to make and things didn't turn out exactly as planned. It was my first time making pleats, making rope borders, making "jewels", making pearl borders, making drapings, covering a dummy, and first time using my clay extruder and silicone molds. Learned my lesson! LOL
Comment by Jessica V on February 25, 2010 at 7:36am
Thanks for all your compliments! It was for the Central Florida Fair. The other cakes there were absolutely gorgeous (and done with more skilled techniques) at least I don't have to sit here and worry about winning. But like I said, I really did it for the opportunity and I plan on entering more in the future. There wasn't a designated theme, just a category of 2-3 tiers wedding cake. I had planned on a peacock colors theme. I actually ran out of time and didn't finish my cake. There are still things missing, such as different colored borders around the "jewels" on the hearts, that were supposed to represent peacock feathers. Thanks for sharing your experiences! We'll see how this one goes and hopefully I'll have a better idea for next time!
Comment by jeri c on February 25, 2010 at 2:43am
I have always been a chicken to enter contests. Entered a couple cakes at CC but never won. I have entered baked goods and won prizes but never any of my cakes.

This is really nice.
Comment by Party Flavors Custom Cakes on February 24, 2010 at 10:40pm
We love this cake!
Comment by Lynne Salmon on February 24, 2010 at 7:44pm
I have entered many fair compititions. County fairs can be judged by UNqualified people:( But then some good, knowledgeable ones too. One year my county fair was judged by newspaper editors of local small town newspapers. I had made royal icing lace fans the they refused to believe they were not plastic! :(
Oh well, just do it for the practice.
What was the theme of your entry? It looks to me to be a very neatly done piece. Do let us know how it all goes and what the judges say.
Comment by ann pallett on February 24, 2010 at 2:16pm
wow brilliant first attempt, where was the competition?
I entered competitions when I was training, I even entered hotel olympia in london one year that was 29 years ago.!!! didn't get anything but it was just amazing just to be there. I'm doing a charity walk in Nov and I have to raise funds so I'm thinking of organizing a cake competition.
Anyway well done Jessica

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