Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Stringwork/bridgework on the side of the bottom tier

Views: 103


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Comment by Diane Curtis on April 3, 2012 at 4:00pm

Thank you. I'm going to copy and paste my comment about the stringwork on the front view that I have posted. I really feel it's important to give kudos to Melanie Judge:

Thank you, I have Melanie Judge to thank for her blog about Stringwork/bridgework!

She was SO kind to take the time to write that tutorial! It was very helpful since I had never done bridgework before! I've wanted to try it for years and I finally got up the nerve because of this tutorial. Thanks Mel!!

Comment by Tracy Deadman on April 3, 2012 at 3:16pm
Fab string work

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