That's OK. I had borrrowed the idea from someone else myself!
Comment by Marta Phillips on September 20, 2010 at 7:35pm
Well, I shamlessly stole your design and put it on a sheet cake for the school. They are losing ttwo of their custodians to another building, and are throwing them a surprise party. It looks a little different on a sheet, and I used pink instead of flesh tone, but I think it turned out good and think they will like it. Thanks so much for the inspiration and for sharing your technique. Will post pic when I can. Thanks again Peg!
I slightly flattened a ball of fondant with tylose to get my basic size. Then, with an exacto knife, I cut a small notch on one side for the thumb. I began shaping and rounding the thumb and rolling forward over a cocktail stick the top of the paste for the curved fingers. With light pressure from the exacto knife, score a line for the fingers. With a cocktail stick, smooth out the lines, and with light pressure from your fingertips, smooth and shape the fingers. To decide placement of thumbs for the different views of the hand, I used my own hand for reference. To get flesh color, I knead in a dab of Wilton Creamy Peach and add just a smidgeon of Ivory or Copper depending on depth of color desired. Hope this helps!
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