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Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd Choir Party Cake

Lambeth "buttercream" cake

Views: 220


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Comment by Goreti on June 3, 2012 at 2:40pm

Tim, if you can pull this off with buttercream, I have no doubts that you can do wonderful gum paste flowers.

Comment by Timothy Jansen on June 3, 2012 at 1:23pm

Truth be told... I'm such a HUGE fan of both you, Goreti and Rima!... I often look at both of your sights for inspiration... seriously! And Yes Rima... Royal icing is the way to go in Lambeth... but I've learned (as You have as well :) to adapt my skills in "Lambeth" to other "less" ideal situations... and (for the most part) made it work... Of course, as you know, so much of the THANKS goes to Kathleen, she was such an AMAZING influence on how I perceive cake decorating... and as luck would have it... The class I took with Kathleen also included Peggy Tucker... so I had TWO world class teachers at my finger tips (so to say) It was an experience I'll never forget... I learned so much in such a short period of time... and yet I feel I have SO much more to learn... like "gum paste" flowers... you know, the ones that look real... like yours...!

Comment by Goreti on June 3, 2012 at 11:48am

WOW, this is stunning.  I cannot tell you how much I admire your talent.  I find that I spend a lot of time looking at your cakes in order to take in all the beauty.

Comment by Rima on June 3, 2012 at 11:29am

What you have accomplished in buttercream since taking Kathleen's Lambeth Bootcamp class is just amazing. I think it'a testament to your natural gift and love for the craft. Another beautiful cake!

Comment by Linda Wolff on June 3, 2012 at 10:39am

This is gorgeous! Those center flowers are especially beautiful!

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