Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Angery Bird Bday cake for a computer themed Bday party

Over all view of computer themed cake,San Antonio ,Tx.bound>all buttercream.

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Comment by Luz Iglesias on June 10, 2013 at 9:37pm

Thanks for the tip, the foam will really help to hold them better!

Comment by Cheryl Adams Kier on June 9, 2013 at 11:55pm

Luz I.> my cousin that just started doing cakes about 4yrs ago,has a box with foam in it ,she uses...hers works good......good luck!

Comment by Luz Iglesias on June 8, 2013 at 11:52am

Oh, Cheryl for sure you´ve had some nervousness going on all of your deliveries, with all those bumps on the way, and the weather that doesn´t help sometimes, and you should get that sign of "cakes on board", sounds lovely, for sure I will want one too LOL, and for 40 years of delivering cakes and far away,  you have done a great job with almost NO LOSS.  I´ve been delivering for only 3 years  no loss yet, thank God!  But I´m thinking of making a box (kind of) to hold the cakes better, I´ve have had that on mind.

Comment by Cheryl Adams Kier on June 8, 2013 at 5:19am

Luz I.> I get nervous some,mainly at this one hall at Kovar,about 10 miles out in the middle of a cow pasture,it's S.P.T.J. hall,looks like a hugh old white barn,no air condition,cows sprinkled in the pastures next to it,hugh wooden shuttered window that they open{no screens}....I worry about the temp there sometimes!! Any ways  its down this long narrow semi paved bumpy road {last 5 miles},I have to put the husband in the back of my SUV,to watch and hold the cakes,and drive about 2 miles a hour,and dodge ruts.....thing is ,it's where everyone has their weddings ,or as we are delivering,there is always a bunch wanting to go around us.HA!!!! I am making a special piece to go into my receiver hitch ,that will hold a wooden craved sign saying " Cakes on board". Nervous  always  going there.....LOL!!!!After 40 yrs of cake delivery...only lost 1{{{ repaired it back at home tho}}} ,have had about 15 fix ups to do,and and 1 that slid to side of cake board and ended up crooked.....LOL!!!!!! 

Comment by Luz Iglesias on June 7, 2013 at 6:16pm

I wish I could feel as confident as you when delivering a cake!  Although I bring everything I could need to fix them if needed, haven´t had a problem yet, but I get pretty nervous.   

Comment by Cheryl Adams Kier on June 6, 2013 at 7:10pm

We deliver everywhere,and I drive ...husband rides shotgun and watches them or sometimes holds them as I drive,,I rather drive the big ones to their events so if they slide or what ever ,,,Ican fix them.....Plus I love to drive....probably was a truck driver in my life before this one....HA!!!!!!

Comment by Luz Iglesias on June 5, 2013 at 10:08pm

That is far away, you sent it through a special delivery company, or with someone you trust?  Weren´t you affraid of the road?  Oh my, I would have been sufferring.  Last saturday I had to take my grandson´s b-day cake to the place where the party was going to take place, it is maybe 5 minutes from my house, and my daughter was driving and I was holding the cake.  Even though I was taking it in parts because I was going to assemble it at the place, I was sweating, with every move! LOL.  I will post the picture tomorrow.

Comment by Cheryl Adams Kier on June 2, 2013 at 3:58am

@ Luz I.> Thanks,it was a fast idea themed computer cake,had to get it doen and boxed and sent it on out to San Antonio about 200 miles away from heer.

Comment by Luz Iglesias on April 2, 2013 at 9:25pm

So cute!

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