Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

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Comment by Cheryl Adams Kier on June 4, 2012 at 9:49pm

I have a crash and burn day about once a week also,then I sleep alot.But I get excited about the next cake challenge,and think about it continue-ly  till I get it done,I am that way about my floral,craft,and painting projects.I decorate a every month completely w/2 displays and all...29 yrs come Sept.2012, I think on that stuff till it's done as well.I do my best thinking while driving,love to drive...HA! But the cakes keep me from thinking about the ole menopause crap I'm going through.YUCK!Yuck! I have the 7 {meno}dwarfs of that>grumpy,itchy,scratchly,bloat,forgetful,dread,hot flash!!!!TEEHEE!!!!!I'm 54!!!!

Comment by Anne M on June 4, 2012 at 10:25am

It is so nice to read the thread and learn about people on the site.  Cheryl, I work  9 to 5 and I am tuckered out, all I want to do at the end of the day is laze.  I don't know how u et the energy to do 5 cakes a week, hat off to yoy my friend.  For me to do a cake I have to plan well in advance or lese I will be lost.

Comment by Cheryl Adams Kier on June 3, 2012 at 9:40pm

Sometimes it is a chore for me....but I enjoy the drawing and decorating part...Because I lovedrawing,I paint murals during our rodeo season also,and it is kinda the same....

Comment by June Kowalczyk on June 3, 2012 at 9:25am
Wow Cheryl
You have had a interesting life!! A female welder....that is unusual. From helmet to secretary. Quite a change. But you work 10 hr days. Most I worked was 8. Until I did the split shifts. Then it was 10, or 12. But the let 1 1/2, I cut back my hrs drastically so I could learn to live on less. I new my pension would be small. Fortunately, my husband worked for the Can Fed Govt, so he gets a really good pension. I love decorating, but if I had to do as many as you, it would become a chore. I wouldn't enjoy it anymore.
Comment by Cheryl Adams Kier on June 2, 2012 at 11:57pm

I have to just do what I can...I guess I'm doing all this because of the mid life crazies,my husband had a heart attack at 49,and is disabled,so I don't get to do alot of things I use to or thought I'd be doing at my age.Then 2 yrs ago I became a grandmother,and the old age thinking kicked my butt,I realized half my life is gone,and the rest is in over drive mode.So I started doing cakes more,it helps me from feeling old.LOL!!Even my horse misses me,I stay so busy.LOL!! Right now ,I'm taking a break,,,at midnight I'll start a another cake for tommorrow.HA! I have only been in Med.Rec. for 20 yrs,I was a welder over half my life on the ship channel in Houston...I enjoy our talks,thanks!!!!!

Comment by June Kowalczyk on June 2, 2012 at 9:41am
Whoa Cheryl
I just retired a year ago. I was a psw ( personal support worker ), use to be called, nurse's aide. I did the same job they do in the N home, except in the community. I moved clients from wheelchairs, did bed care, palliative care etc. I also worked every other wknd. I did cakes, but with working I never could have done that many!!! You are super woman. Even now, I wouldn't have the stamina for 5-6 cakes per wknd!! My hat is off to you!!
Comment by Cheryl Adams Kier on June 2, 2012 at 12:18am

I work M,T,W,T at my job in med.rec. at Seton Nurs.Hm  10hrs a day,then I do cakes off and on during the week,usually 1 or 2...on week ends I do approx.5 to a week any where from 3 to 12 .But 5 per week end .This week I did 7.

Comment by Anne M on May 31, 2012 at 11:11am

How many cakes do u do a week?

Comment by June Kowalczyk on May 31, 2012 at 9:28am
Ah yes
Been there, done that!! Pretty good job being done in the "wee" hours!!
Comment by Cheryl Adams Kier on May 31, 2012 at 1:14am

Oh! this was a 4am to 6 am cake...its sad when you are up doing a cake at daylight still...susprised I culd even see it by then.HA!!!!!

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