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Me ,and the big cake,very dear to my heart project.

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Comment by Cheryl Adams Kier on June 3, 2012 at 10:59pm

@ Linda......Thanks for the sweetest comment I believe I have ever gotten.My first husband was a Marine in Nam,and my husband now{of 32 yrs} was Navy at the end of Nam{many yrs lately},my oldest son Marine at start of Desert Storm......I just have a passion of doing for the soldiers,they give their all and get very lil' in return it seems.I'm passionate about firefighters as well....So enjoyed talkin'to ya.

Comment by Linda Wolff on June 3, 2012 at 10:23pm

That really touches my heart, Cheryl. I lost a cousin during the Viet Nam war way back when I was just a teenager in 1967. It really shook my world back then, so I know the tremendous work you are doing and how meaningful it is, not just to the soldier, but to his or her family as well. You have one very pure heart, Cheryl. I know that the Good Lord has a very special reward already prepared for you...AND for those who have been blessed by having you in their lives. God bless you for your generous heart.

Comment by Cheryl Adams Kier on June 3, 2012 at 9:27pm

@ Linda....Our town of Smithville was raising money for the new Vet park we are builing honoring our fallen soldiers.It was a concert with Cory Morrow{country music star} and a day of games  like horseshoes,washer throwing,volley ball,rodeo,bed racing,bbq cook off,parade.This was the VIP cake ,400 serv,350 pd,4 ft x 3 ft wide.We have lost 7 here in the last yrs,I am a soldier's angel,I write a soldier a day,have going on 6 yrs now,and knew these ,so it was very close to my heart.That you for the interest and comments.

Comment by Linda Wolff on June 3, 2012 at 8:03pm

Oh my goodness! Cheryl, when I first saw you cake posted, from a distance I thought it was oh, you know, a small 1/2 sheet cake! When the picture came up to full size, it literally took my breath away! It is one of the most beautiful patriotic cakes I have ever ever seen! What occasion did you make this for? I'm sure it was for Memorial Day, but what was the 'event'? I see the chairs to the right. This had to be the focal point of your celebration, that's all I can say! BEEEE-UUU-TIII-FUL!!

Comment by Cheryl Adams Kier on June 3, 2012 at 12:07am

Me too! Thanks for all the kindness you comment on my work,I look so forward to hearing form you

Thanks ,for all your wonderful comments ,I look forward to hearing from you always.Your comments inspire me to try to do better .Thanks Friend!I wish you could of seen it live as well.

Comment by Timothy Jansen on June 2, 2012 at 1:23pm

I Love it... It's just amazing..!!! I wish I could have seen it live!!!

Comment by Cheryl Adams Kier on June 2, 2012 at 12:07am

It took 14 hrs to bake>6......16x 16squares,6 hrs to make buttercream icing,19 straight hrs to decorate {7 hrs to base coat it and smooth that out,then 12 to decorate.It was 3 ft. x 4ft.,weighted approx. 350 pds.It was at a Veteran memorial park benefit fund raiser{we are building a water park here for our fallen soldiers,past and present...we lost 9 last 2 yrs.It was a work of LOVE for me.Thanks for asking!

Comment by Timothy Jansen on May 31, 2012 at 2:21am

My Word Cheryl... That's just Stunning... How long did it take you... beginning to end...? And what an honor for you... One which you very much deserve...

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