Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

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Comment by Aimee Ramey on September 6, 2011 at 9:29pm
Thanks. The individual gems came from the jewelry making section at Michaels. I had to go back a couple times  to get the ones that really shined. It was worth paying the extra price for the shine. The picture doesn't do it justice. It was a sparkley cake. You need to make sure to tell the cake cutter that they need to remove the gems before serving. I'd hate to see anyone accidently eat one. The gems around the fondant heart on the top tier and the circle of gems on the second tier came from the scrapbooking section at Meijer. Then I just added the pearl strings that I had from another project. I also made the black gems at the bottom of the second tier from a mold I got online. I think it was Global Sugar Art. This is one of my early fondant cakes, too. I have learned since this one to go easy on the buttercream underneath the fondant. Good luck on your cake.
Comment by Deb Rowbottom on September 6, 2011 at 8:45pm
This is gorgeous..I am going to be doing a black & white wedding cake in Oct. Where would I find the bling that is on the cake? I am new to fondant and love it..My first wedding in fondant turned out really well...Bride loved so thats all that counts. I have done lots of buttercream cakes. Both wedding and birthday and general occasions..Any info would be great..Thanks..Again a Beautiful cake.

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