Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Fondant Fetish - Mermaid Cake Topper (edible)

Here is my edible Mermaid cake topper. She was made for my neice who lives in New Zealand (I'm in England, UK). I made her completely out of Mexican Modelling Paste (Gumpaste) and then painted her with lustre colours. She made it out to NZ by post without any mishaps (but then again I used about 4 feet of bubble wrap and an indestructable plastic storage box to be on the safe side). Hope you like her.

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Comment by Tracy Deadman on August 3, 2011 at 3:35pm
:D - please post some pictures of Mr Solo. If you are going to get into modeling faces a mould would be a good idea. Thats what I used for the World of Warcraft cake. Everything else was by hand, but after the mermaid I needed something that didn't take me an age to make, screw up, make, screw up. I just needed to get that bit out of the way. The mould I have even has ears, they are fab.
Comment by Melodie Arnold on August 3, 2011 at 3:27pm
LOL That's hilarious! Well, I was thinking since it's a girl, then big lips are in!
Comment by Tracy Deadman on August 3, 2011 at 3:25pm
Collegan implants :D lol x
Comment by Melodie Arnold on August 3, 2011 at 2:55pm
11,000 I think you should move to Oklahoma and partner up with me! LOL I understand the lip proportion comment-I had the exact same issue with my Han Solo. He ended up looking like a man with big lips!
Comment by Tracy Deadman on August 3, 2011 at 2:45pm
Thanks Melodie. I hand sculpted her face, but I never seem to get the proportions right. Her lips were so huge, she looked awful before the hair went on. This one was fun, especially as she had an 11,000 mile journey in front of her. Can't believe she made it the whole way from UK - NZ without so much as a crack. If you'd like any tips I'd be happy to share :)
Comment by Melodie Arnold on August 3, 2011 at 9:23am
This is amazing! I just had to sculpt a Han Solo for a carbonite cake....much harder to sculpt a person than imagined. Your mermaid looks fantastic; you are very skilled!

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