Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

She was just over 2ft tall , a 12inch square wheat free cake was used , up to the middle of the thigh , then puffed rice and caramalised sugar and a bit of goldensyrup , makes up her body and head , modeling paste arms and a few hundred dots !!!
Had several people ask if i had used material for the dress , and the answer is NO !!! All edible .

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Comment by June Kowalczyk on March 23, 2012 at 8:47am

Oh my....I couldn't imagine having weeks & weeks of cakes to do without a break. I guess it is because I just retired after working for 30 yrs. I love my caking, but I covet my free time now. Besides working had a son in high level sports ( hockey & lacrosse ) and we were away many, many nights & wknds. Even if I had had the skill level back then, I never would have had the time for  serious cake decorating. Do you decorate full time, or on wknds after your full time job??  Either way, my hats off to you. I took lessons when my children were very small, dabbled, fast forward, 2006, niece got married & I offered to do her wedding cake, and I have been back at it ever since. So I did work & do cakes, but they were for mostly friends & family. There are so many on CWB that work full tiem & cake....amazing.

I know what you mean Martin when you say you give more than they ask. I think a passionate decorators do that, I know I do. And we are all our own worst critic, that's why you see mistakes in this cake. But there is no 100% perfect cake!

By the way, if that is your little boy....he is a cutie. My "little" boy just turned 28....yikes!!! Seems just yesterday he was playing in the mud.

Comment by Martin Brown on March 22, 2012 at 8:30pm
Too true !! This hobbie can give you amazing highs but can also be a curse with you own success ! At the moment I am fully booked with orders untill the end of September and that's without any weeks free of cakes , I must be mad or just a sucker ?? I do still love making them , people I know like to challenge me to see if I can't do a particular design but I always say yes and then think how the hell am I going to do that !!!! I am my own worst enemy though because I will always try to give more than they ask , just for that WOW !! If I don't then I am never satisfied with my result . Even with the flamenco dancer turning out as well as she did I was not quite 100% happy just a couple of things but they were there , you probably know what I mean .
Comment by June Kowalczyk on March 22, 2012 at 8:09pm
Well, since I am a hobby baker only, don't get that many "paying" customers. Mostly do for money for "supplies". Did a wedding cake in Dec, & it is the only time I actually made any money. We drive ourselves crazy with getting our cakes perfect, don't we. And if we never made a dime, we would all probably still keep caking just for the look on the receivers face!! :0)
Comment by Martin Brown on March 22, 2012 at 7:55pm
You either love it or hate it !! I just love the reactions of people when they receive them , just makes me smile all the time . Everybody tells me I am far too cheap though , so a bit of an increase won't go a miss I suppose
Comment by June Kowalczyk on March 22, 2012 at 7:48pm
I hear ya, I make my own flowers & decorating will only ever be my hobby, so I won't get rich either!
Comment by Martin Brown on March 22, 2012 at 4:47pm
Eeerrrrrmm !! No . Should have at least doubled what I charged !!! I can't use bought flowers , only ever once and didnot like them , they are not mine !! So will always sacrifice and make them , so will never be a rich man !!
Comment by June Kowalczyk on March 22, 2012 at 3:59pm

I'll bet it did!!!! I did a mannequin bridal topper, and I found that time consuming. The ruffles are fabulous....and I don't want to think how long it took to pipe all those dots!!!!  Yikes!!

At my last cake club meeting our admin said that at ICES, a vitrtual ton of decorators buy boxes & boxes of pre-made gumpaste flowers. They are so cheap, $5 for 8-10??  in a box. They just plunk them on their cakes. Less work & more profit for them. She said all at our meeting WEREN'T in that category. We all strive hard to make great you...make our own embellishments, & therefore don't always make big bucks from doing so.  Hope you did make make a wee bit of cash from this one, you certainly deserved to.

Comment by Martin Brown on March 22, 2012 at 3:40pm
No your right June !! Did take hours shaping though lol
Comment by Martin Brown on March 22, 2012 at 3:34pm
A typical man Lynda , an eye for the ladies , lol . And I am usually in the dog house June , she blames the cakes but it's me !!! Lol
Comment by June Kowalczyk on March 22, 2012 at 3:30pm

Hey Linda

That's because Martin probably stares WAaaaay too much at the opposite sex...he! he!  But all  kidding aside, the figure is quite amazing.

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