Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

FINALLY! I have been agonizing over this cake for months not wanting to screw it up since it's for my Goddaughter's wedding. Unfortunately, it was supposed to have big peach poppies instead of the big white roses but I think the roses work. (I just hope she is not disappointed). I started on the bottom tier on Thursday at 7:00am and had very few breaks and didn't finish it until 12:45 am Friday. The other two tiers went much faster, but it did take 2 and a 1/2 days to do the frills. Now for the worst part...the delivery. Dread!

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Comment by Tracy Deadman on September 25, 2011 at 7:57am

Linda, you do make me laugh. I'm glad you have the tool too. I have a selection of tools & I don't have a clue about how to use half of them - think I'm going to have to do a little research so I don't make the same mistake twice. lol. Tracy x

Comment by Linda Wolff on September 25, 2011 at 7:45am

Thank you Nadia. This is that frills method made from a combination of gum paste and fondant. Boy! Did it ever make a mess when it was cut! You know how fondant and gum paste get somewhat hard, well, the cake cutters had so much fondant on the floor it looked like it had snowed.

Nadia, I got brave enough to try out that lace technique similar to what you do where you have some fondant and then connect them with royal icing, like battemburg lace. I forgot to take a picture of the cake, but I did enter it into our confectionery sugar art show that is going on today. Hopefully no one touched the cake and broke the white royal icing on it, and I can take a picture and post it so that you can see my efforts. I LOVE that technique! It was so much fun! Mine doesn't even begin to look as nice as yours, but it was so cool to see it come together and actually look like lace. I can't wait to try it again.

Comment by Nadia (zohreh) on September 25, 2011 at 5:33am

OMG!You did it again another masterpiece!It's Really unusual.

Comment by Linda Wolff on September 24, 2011 at 8:48pm
Well get this, Tracy, I have that tool and didn't know what the heck it was for! How hilarious is THAT! My finger tip is so sore that I feel like I certainly must have carpel tunnel of the index finger, and all along, I could have been using that tool that has never been used for anything. Duh!!! I'm with you...I am totally caked out for a while. I don't mind just browsing all of the beauties that someone else whats to make for a while, now. LOL!
Comment by Tracy Deadman on September 24, 2011 at 5:19pm
lol Linda, there was me babbling on about the tool in my last message and It's the first tool in this weeks special CWB online deal. I think I'm all caked out! Hugs, Tracy :)
Comment by Tracy Deadman on September 24, 2011 at 5:08pm

WOW Linda, thats a lot of frill! Fantastic, it really looks amazing. I hope your delivery went well & that it was a lovely wedding. The ball tool worked a treat for you - toothpicks really play havock with the fingers and it took me nearly 2 days to recover from my 8" cake. However I was in my local cake decorating supply shop today and bought myself a new tool that does the job perfectly. It is the PME Bulbulous Cone Tool I've posted the link as there is a picture of it. It flies through frills and no problems with the fingers. The edge of the frills are so smooth as well, I noticed a little ridging on mine from the toothpick. Thought I'd share. Congratulations on another fabulous creation (& the roses are a winner). Txxx :)

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