Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

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Comment by Jennifer Carter on April 18, 2010 at 9:31pm
WalMart also said that they would sell the cake toppers - but I work right beside a Publix Supermarket, so I went there. The kit was $15 at both places. I have kept it, so I can use it again in the future...
Comment by Cynthia Sericati on April 18, 2010 at 8:18pm
this looks like a kit from can see if they sell it...but i would just do a castle cake and get a small kit with the princess to put on the can castle kits at cake supply stores or hobby lobby michaels ect....they are farly east to do...and she is will love anything u good luck....
Comment by Jennifer Carter on April 18, 2010 at 12:54pm
Actually, I saw this cake in Publix, but didn't want to pay for it. Publix Supermarkets will sell you any of their cake toppers, so I bought the plastic pieces there. Then I googled "Disney Princess Castle Cake" and found the exact instructions! They are on the website Here's the exact location: This is the first cake I made. I made it in February of this year. I had learned basic cake decorating in high school, but hadn't touched it in nearly 20 years. Then I made this cake, and I've been extremely busy ever since - at least 2 cakes a week! Good luck! Feel free to contact me with questions, suggestions - I will tell you it took me a LONG time - probably because it was my first cake and I made lots of rookie mistakes. My email address is Good luck! :)
Comment by Karen Bivens on April 18, 2010 at 11:14am
This cake is adorable! My stwp-daughter wants me to make my granddaughter's 2nd birthday cake. She wants a castle. Can you give me some hints on how you did this please? Love it! Thanks,Karen Bivens

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