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Comment by Diana Viera on July 11, 2010 at 1:19pm
Wilton sells them and they are called pillars. You can find them at your local crafts store and they can be found in clear too. Thanks for the compliment :D I did not sell this cake as it was my "grand finale" cake for Wilton's 3 course when they had it.
Comment by ♥Cat♥ on July 11, 2010 at 1:03pm
I understand after your explanation. What are they called so I can search for them? Who makes them Diana?
Your cake is beautiful and so are your roses. I like the toothpick method you used and the pictures you posted really help. If you don't mind answering, what did you charge for this cake? You can PM me if you'd like. Thank you.
Comment by Diana Viera on July 11, 2010 at 10:39am
They are not hard to use. The lower pillar is the length you see plus it extends into the cake. The lower pillar adjusts so it can rest on it. The top piece of the pillar is attached so it will not move. On top of that piece is a plate that has extensions underneath to attached to that top portion of the pillars so it stays balanced. You must mark the lower cake first by gently pressing the bottom of the plate to the cake so that you know where the pillars go. It is easy.
Comment by ♥Cat♥ on July 11, 2010 at 2:03am
Are these pillars hard to use? Are they Wilton? Can you explain how they work?

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