Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

This as a joint birthday , he was a diver and she had two pet lizards , hense the Scuba wearing dragon .
It started as a 10 inch square sponge , the head is rct and the tail also both with kebab skewers for support and a mix of painted and air brushed colours

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Comment by June Kowalczyk on October 17, 2012 at 8:33am


After 30 + years me...  Sandra, you can....  or of course, a deceased relative bequeaths you an inheritance... or you win a lottery.....  hee hee  :o)

Comment by Sandra I. Vazquez Lossiseroni on October 17, 2012 at 8:28am
Amen, but I want to retire too, lol
Comment by June Kowalczyk on October 17, 2012 at 8:22am

Yup.....  so true Sandra. I dabbled in decorating, but with work & years & years of migraines, never had the energy, health or time. Even tho it is just a passionate hobby, I never felt as inspired or as motivated to create until I joined here. I began to learn from all of you,  and other cakers on CWB. Learned also that valued friendships can spring up in the most unexpected places and don't always happen in your own backyard.  This would never would have happened earlier. Wasn't the time or place. Believe God gives us "seasons" in our life.  For me... I believe it is a season to finally relax a little, enjoy, learn, be, give, create, read, pray, stay up late, sleep in, take long walks, develop deeper relationships with God, family & friends....embrace the gift of retirement and whatever lies ahead.    :o)

Comment by Sandra I. Vazquez Lossiseroni on October 17, 2012 at 7:58am
Hi Katy, think this way, my time to do this is NOW, maybe it wasn't for you in the past. I took a big break (10 years) from the cake decorating. Sometimes I think, where would I be today if I didn't take that help me move forward, I say, maybe that was not the right time, the time is now. Always positive, and the fact that I have met my friends, Linda, June, Gail, Goreti and you here,...OH YES, this was the right time.
Comment by Linda Wolff on October 17, 2012 at 7:45am

Katy, do not sell yourself so short. Your cakes have progressed into quite the masterpieces! Just because you started late in the game, doesn't mean you don't have the talent. Of the two most upcoming 'late start' artists that I have been keeping a close eye on, it is you and Goreti and you both have really been popping out some magnificent cakes as of late. They are awesome!

Comment by Martin Brown on October 17, 2012 at 7:42am
Glad to feed your passion !!!!
Comment by Katy Nott on October 17, 2012 at 7:39am

Bless Martin, thanks.  It's fun, which is why I do it and have the time to do so now.  I like to be busy (which drives Mick nuts sometimes) and I get such inspiration from you guys on this site. xx

Comment by Martin Brown on October 17, 2012 at 7:36am
And you do have an amazing talent or else you would not be on here showcasing with us all !! Xx
Comment by Martin Brown on October 17, 2012 at 7:34am
It's never too late !!
Comment by Katy Nott on October 17, 2012 at 6:43am

You are both clearly very naturally gifted in the artistic field, which I envy you.  My Mum was like that - she went to Harrow Art School instead of normal school and had a job with Kodak in the days of black and white film only, whereby she was employed to 'paint' black and white photos into colour.  She was incredibly gifted.  Sadly I don't inherit that flair - I have the ideas, but am short on the ability to reproduce what I imagine.  I wish I had known 30 years ago how much I would love the caking in later life and would have taken a different course in life.  Too late now, lol!

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