Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

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Comment by June Kowalczyk on October 3, 2012 at 2:12pm
Linda I just discovered that my local grocery store near me is now carrying DH red velvet. I told a member here that it wasn't available in Canada. I bet they have the have the DH coconut too. I don't shop there as a rule cause their pricey. So haven't ck'd out the baking isle in some time.
Comment by Linda Wolff on October 3, 2012 at 1:34pm

I'm gonna copy/paste this right now before I forget!! I just hope I can find the coconut DH cake mix! It sounds soooooooo delicious!!

Comment by Timothy Jansen on October 3, 2012 at 1:25pm

Thanks Anne M, Linda Wolff, June and Goreti for your kind comments... I was trying to make a few corrections to my "coconut Cake" project and I accidently deleted it... I'm so Sorry...

This cake was a white cake (Duncan Hines) Instead of water I use half milk and half Nestle Coffee Creamer (in the same amount as the water per portions on the box) I do ad a some melted white chocolate (about 1/3 cup) and a little vanilla (about two teaspoons) and some almond extract (about a table spoon or less) mix forever... ten min at least... and bake according to instructions.

The icing is Kathleen Lange's French Butter Cream on her Confectionary Chalet web sight under ricipes

Coconut Cake

Duncan Hines Coconut supreme cake mix, instead of water use half milk and half Nestles Coffee Creamer, 1/3 cup melted White Chocolate, 3 Eggs as said on Box, Oil as said on box (or melted butter same amount as oil) and a table spoon of Cream Bouquet and a teaspoon of vanilla... mix forever... ten min. at least and bake according to instructions. then take out of pans and put in freezer for about twenty min.


I used Martha Steward's Swiss Butter Cream

5 egg whites and a cup and two table spoons of granulated sugar over a double broiler until the sugar is totally dissolved. Then transfer to mixer bowl and beat till stiff peaks... at this point you could just ad flavoring (cream bouquet, a table spoon) and beat... or... ad two or three sticks of room temperature butter, two table spoons at a time. beat forever (eight to ten min) and it will come together... and ad cream bouquet if you didn't already

take cakes out of freezer, ice and put coconut on cake... best served right away....



Comment by Anne M on October 3, 2012 at 11:35am

Tim, you ar a master of the piped flowers.  The cake sounds so yummmmmmmy.  Even I did not know that DH had a coconut cake, I should look out for it too.  This is so very pretty, the lemon yellow basket weave, the white adn the pastels, simply pretty.

Comment by Linda Wolff on October 3, 2012 at 8:44am

me too, Goreti. Coconut is my all time favorite. I didn't know that DH made a coconut supreme cake. I honestly don't remember ever running across one at the store. Now I'll be on the look out for one.

Comment by Goreti on October 3, 2012 at 8:37am

Ooooh Tim, that sounds so yummmmmmmy.  I can just imagine the flavor

Comment by Katy Nott on October 3, 2012 at 7:40am

Tim, I'm just blown away.  Not only do you put superhuman effort into your decoration, but apply the same level of perfection to the baking.  Lucky, lucky, recipients.  This is so beautiful.  I know exactly what you mean about friends comments here than the client.  I get a much warmer, fuzzier feeling from compliments that I get from CWB'ers than from the people they are made for.  I guess that's because fellow decorators know what they're talking about!

Comment by June Kowalczyk on October 3, 2012 at 7:22am
Wow Tim
A LOT of work with that icing. Sounds super yummy tho. I can taste the coconut. Mmm. :0)
Comment by Timothy Jansen on October 3, 2012 at 12:29am

AND Thanks Linda, June and Goreti... I got SO caught up in the coconut cake story I forgot the most important point... friendship... What would I do with out you AMAZINGLY kind, creative ladies... You're such an inspiration to me... I'm ALWAYS SO excited to share my stories with you... sometimes (sad to say) I'm even more excited about sharing my successes with you even more then the person?people I'm making the cake for. Mostly because I know you'll understand... And that's worth so much... Thanks to all of you...!!!

Comment by Timothy Jansen on October 3, 2012 at 12:22am

OH... that's granulated sugar... not powdered... I'm sure you know that...

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