Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I made this cake for my neighbor's 2 year old granddaughter. Had a lot of fun making it :)

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Albums: Le'Gateaux


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Comment by Suzie Toms on March 17, 2010 at 3:51pm
Thank you so much for sharing - your tips will be very helpful.
Comment by Cheryl Coleman on March 17, 2010 at 8:58am
Oops! Forgot about the mouth on Elmo's head! I just wedged a slice out about the size I thought the mouth should be. I rolled out black fondant and cut to fit the size of the inside lower part of his mouth.

I also forgot to add that I crumb coated him in red icing to begin off the entire process.
Comment by Cheryl Coleman on March 17, 2010 at 8:56am
I used the wondermold pan for the lower body and one round layer cake that fit the size of the top of the wondemold pan and the sports ball pan for the head which I flattened slightly on the bottom and shaped slightly into a more slightly oval shape. I drove a wooden dowel through the center head all the way through the body and down to my cake drum. The legs were made from fondant/gumpaste mixture wrapped around florist wires and pushed into the cake then bent to shape needed to rest on the bottom cake. I built the feet up by using a large round tip then using the grass tip over to finish it off. The arms where just layers of icing using the grass tip to build it up. The entire body was covered using the grass tip also. Eyes and nose were made from fondant. HTH :) If you have any questions, just let me know :)
Comment by Suzie Toms on March 17, 2010 at 7:29am
Wow! and WOW again! This is fantastic. How did you do this? I have to make an Elmo cake next week and I'd love some hints, tips, advice?

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