Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

vanilla sponge with blueberry jame, covered in a white chocolate buttercream, decorated with hand made sugar flowers.

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Comment by June Kowalczyk on February 5, 2012 at 8:58am are pretty darn talented for only caking 8 mnths!!!!  I took courses years ago when my children were small. A older lady with a cake shop in town, which is long, long gone.  I made family cakes for celebrations, but didn't make my 1st "real" stacked fondant covered cake until I did one for my niece's wedding 5 yrs. ago.  I made the odd one hear & there as I was still working, so didn't have a heck of a lot of time to devote. I retired this past May/2011. I am just a hobby baker.   We bulldozed our kitchen just after I retired, which was finally done in late summer, and we just had a wall removed 2 days ago....SOoooo, it has been almost a state of constant reno's. Brief time out for Christmas.  All my cake stuff is down in my unfinished basement cause it is too dusty & cluttered to do caking in my kitchen...OHhhh...reno's please be done soon.....and summer...can't wait. 

Comment by joanne spencer on February 5, 2012 at 5:30am

ha i may have to try that, i have only been cake decorating about 8 months so still picking up tips and techniques x

Comment by June Kowalczyk on February 4, 2012 at 8:03pm

When I took my 1st cake class years ago, I was never good at smooth BC. So when I made cakes for occasions,  I couldn't be bothered fussing around trying to get a smooth icing. SOooo, I bought one of those chore boys scrubbies for pots. I used that to pat, pat all around my cake. It gave it texture, and everyone assumed I did it on purpose. They didn't know this was my alternative method cause I couldn't smooth my icing.  He! He! looked pretty cool too

Comment by Goreti on February 4, 2012 at 7:54pm

You know I have seen cakes with designs on it that were done with paper towels and it actually looks cute.  I'm thinking of trying one of these days.  It helps hide the not so smooth finish.  hehe

Comment by joanne spencer on February 4, 2012 at 7:51pm

thank you, we dont have viva towels in the uk, all our paper towels have imprints on them, i may try greaseproof paper with a roller and see how that goes, and if i cant get my cakes flat all my customers will have to have shabby chic icing on their cakes ha x

Comment by Goreti on February 4, 2012 at 7:46pm

I have a hard time too.  I don't use Viva towels.  I've used wax paper and a roller that is supposed to be to smooth fondant but works nice on crusting buttercream.  My newest thing is Swiss Meringue butter cream.  That has been a little challenging but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it.  Now that the family has tasted it that is all they want.  By the way Joanne,  I love your cake.

Comment by June Kowalczyk on February 4, 2012 at 7:20pm

Oh boy....I here ya. I can do it, but not without considerable effort. I have seen over & over on the internet that the trick is to use Viva paper towels to smooth. Can't get Viva here in Canada. Luckily we are relatively close to the USA border, & my son was getting his Masters in Buffalo N.Y.  So because we went across several times, I bit the bullet & bought a case of the Viva paper towels this past Sept. All our paper towels here have imprints, the Viva is plain, perfectly flat. I have to say, the technique using them worked. But a good lint free linen t-towel works as well. It is just slightly bulkier to work with. But I am with & figures I prefer too.

Comment by joanne spencer on February 4, 2012 at 6:04pm

I cant seem to get a smooth finish, i dread it when im asked to do a smooth iced cake. I would be ok if somebody did the cake and i did the figures and flowers!

Comment by June Kowalczyk on February 4, 2012 at 5:57pm

I really, really like texture. I can get a smooth iced cake, although I am not terrific at it.  But I much prefer these types of techniques for BC.  It gives a cake "interest"

Comment by joanne spencer on February 4, 2012 at 5:25pm

thank you very much, was really easy to do and you can cover any mistakes easily lol, tastes nicer than roll out too!

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