Becky sheridan


Hawkins, TX

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • June Kowalczyk

    Hi Becky
    I'm a moderator here on CWB. Firstly, your cakes are lovely. Your very talented. May I suggest you name your photos, otherwise they will get lost in the system. Not to be found to look at & enjoyed or for inspiration. That would be a shame. CWB doesn't recognize random numbers given to your pictures by your computer.
  • Bonnie Willey

    I have really, I mean REALLY, enjoyed viewing your Photos!  So many neat ideas!

  • Bonnie Willey

    Happy new year Becky.  Thanks for stopping by.  The faces were the easiest thing, used my mold mix to produce the faces, but the bodies were a pain you know where!  I can not EVER seem to keep the arms, legs, & body parts in proportion!  So Olaf was the winner on this one. lol Tried the blue in his mouth, instead of the traditional black, and I liked it. Thanks again!

  • Evelyn Carter

    Your cakes are amazing. I enjoyed going through your pictures.