Leo Sciancalepore

Park Ridge, NJ

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • CUQUI'S DESIGNS Cake Supplies

    """""Welcome to this community that love Cakes"""""

  • Katy Nott

    Hi Leo.  I see you have posted a blog on the site.  Unfortunately, I am unable to approve it as the site owner Theresa Happe has requested specific requirements for blogs, which yours does not meet.  Fyi, the requirements posted are as follows -

    "Blog Posts -

    Blog posts should add value to the website. If they are created merely for the purpose of adding an outgoing link, that's not adding value. Quality, by definition, should be a minimum of 300 words. Low quality blog posts will be removed. Pending blog posts of low quality will not be published."

    If you would care to amend the post, we will be happy to approve it.

    Thanks for your understanding.

  • Katy Nott

    Thanks for your understanding Leo.  We really do value members contributions and hope this hasn't put you off!