Linda Wolff


Council Bluffs, IA

United States

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  • Timothy Jansen

    Hi Linda,

    I'm looking for a Chocolate cake recipe...? It's the kind of lighter chocolate color, not dense and dark (almost black, like most chocolate cakes now a day) but a lighter brown with almost a fudge taste...? Am I looking for a Swiss or Dutch or Bavarian...? I'm not sure... Let me know your thought when you get a chance... Thanks Linda!

  • Timothy Jansen

    Just a chocolate cake... nothing special... and just for fun... but I would like to find a more "European" dutch-swiss-bavarian lighter brownish cake recipe... If this makes any sense...? 

  • Timothy Jansen

    As always... Thank you Linda...!!! And Linda, you never commented on my "fighting my way" to get an end piece of one of your vintage cakes... What

  • jeri c

    Linda Thank you for the nice comments on my cakes.  I wish I had more time to do more cakes... work keeps me pretty busy!  You are too sweet!


  • Margaret Carter

    Linda you have some lovely work, I really love your modelled animals,Margaret

  • Tiffany Whitson York

    Sorry again. I only did a quick glance but should have checked with you first about those cakes.Thanks for clearing them off so quickly then and catching my mistake.


  • Sharlene Salvador

    this is silly but how do I go to chat, first time user....

  • Nadia (zohreh)

    Thank you soooo much Linda for your lovely comment.

  • Nadia (zohreh)

    Linda,Congratulations on making the top 10 in the winer Hat cake contest and I am sure you are 1 winer.It is well deserve.

  • Nadia (zohreh)

    WOW!Congratulations Linda .I am soooo happy you win the contest ant getting 1 place.
  • Timothy Jansen

    I just started watching Downton Abbey... LOVE IT!!! Congratulations on your hat win...!!! That's wonderful news Linda... One of these days they'll have to have an "old school" contest... Again, hats off to you Linda!!!

  • Nadia (zohreh)

    I sent a comment with Red Ribbon. I dont know where it is,no problem I will send it again. Congratulations , Congratulations on your win.I am sooooo happy you win the hat contest and getting 1 place.I always belive you and your amazing work.I hope you be always a winner.

  • iris rezoagli

    Friendship Daisies
  • Dina Mercado

    Hi Linda. You are too funny, and thank. I feel like the new kid on the block. I have only been decorating cakes for about 7 months. So hopefully with time, I can come close to you and Gail's talents. I just ordered the baby mold, and am excited to try it. Do you know how to get the flesh color in the fondant/guspaste? I have never tried this before. Keep on creating.

  • Lee Barbon

    Hi Linda! I did took a Lambeth Class and loved every single moment of it. Taught me a lot of patience and I learned to take things slow (came from NY where the pace is fast and I'm always rushing :) ) I admire your work! Thanks for the kind words.
  • OC's Little Kitchen

    hi linda ... i just took day classes no formal training. thanks to facebook and filipinos  love to celebrate kids birthday parties with a big budget :) am slowing things a bit this year need to take care of my health and my family needs "attention". cant think about cakes all the time. our kitchen will be two years old this november :) wish i could pipe as well as you do . i still have a long way to go linda want to learn so much like modeling chocolate, blown sugar, lambeth , and how to make big cakes i want to learn how it all stands up. i am always praying that my cakes would hold up .

  • Anne M

    Hey Linda, have u done brush embroidery on chocolate ganache?

  • carol rowe

    thank you linda for your comment on my cup saucer after seeing your cup , saucer I felt very special. thank you for your eadter message  .

  • Timothy Jansen

    Easter Blessings to you too Blessed Linda Wolff...

  • laurie jones

    The basket is beautiful and you characters are wonderful just the cutest things.  I sent the marshmallow buttercream recipe hope you got it.  Laurie Jones

  • mary hnatyszyn

    lovely slide show linda ,very talented !!!!

  • Holly F

    An honor to be "friendly" my dear.  I've been so fond of your decorating for quite a while now! I'd love nothing more than to be at your elbow for a day.  ;o)

  • Katy Nott

    I did post a new pic Linda and yes it is me and Daisy .  I decided to be brave and put on a personal pic so people had an idea of who they were talking to.  But like I said to June and Nadia, I don't do close-ups lol, so let Daisy take the forefront........

  • Katy Nott

    Haha Linda!  Thank you, but did you also see my comment about being a 'stepnan?'  I am old enough to be their nan, but only just with the oldest (Jose, 21yrs).  But I've been around way longer than they have and not being 'blood' isn't even a consideration.  

  • Katy Nott

    Well bless you for that too!  I am 59 now and, I'll tell you, when my 60th comes next year, I refuse to be graceful about it.  I fight every day not to put back on the masses of weight that I lost (over 5 stone) - no cake during the week (very hard some days!), walk/run a couple of miles every other day (damn old knees are starting to complain about that though, bugger!).  I actually feel better now than I have for years and comments like yours certainly do help a lot!

  • Diane Curtis

    Thanks Linda! Yes, I'm thrilled!  I just received my copies last night. Four pages inside too with more pics of the cake and my interview!! Woo hoo! haha can you tell I'm excited??

  • Diane Curtis

    NOOO!! Not "your ladyship"! "Your Cakeness" will do!!! And whenever you or anyone else refers to me in writing, I would like for my title to be typed in size 18 Elizabethan font AND italicized as above AND in purple since it's the color of royalty!!!   bwahahahahahaha! Oh dear, I think I've gone overboard! I just had WAY to much fun with that one! (Although I can't seem to figure out how to change the font or font color on this site just in case you needed an example of my requirements   hehe)
    Thanks for the nice compliments! You're such a sweetie!!!  (((HUGS))) back at ya!
  • Pamela Conway

    Thank you Linda for taking the time to look at my cakes. I started working with fondant last July and learning with every cake. Hope I can achieve some of your talent in time as your decorating is amazing love your flowers in particular.  

  • Martin Brown

    Thankyou Linda ! I suppose your right , but I don't think I will get away with it !! Lol rules is rules . I will have 3 more cakes to post next week , I'm in the middle of all of them ! Tin man from wizard of Oz , the house and balloons from the Pixar film Up , and one from Alice in Wonderland , and so far I am pleased !!
  • Magdalena Visser

    Wow! Your work is tunning! I am still a beginner, but love baking and creating. I am also self taught, but find all the tutorials on internet very helpful. 

  • Magdalena Visser

    Thank you for the friend invite. I glanced at some of the baker's cakes and realised that I am truly a novice. But I am surely in the right company. I Entered my beach theme cake at our local show, to test myself. I did not get any place but it did inspire me to try harder next year. So I am open for suggestions. Enjoy Fathers day.

  • iris rezoagli

    Thank you Linda,I use patchwork cutters :-)
  • Timothy Jansen

    Hey Linda...! Do you know about "Arti Cakes" or "Arty Cakes" (I think they go be both...?) in the UK... They have a facebook page as well that's really wonderful... such pretty floral "butter cream"  cakes... I think you would LOVE their work... I'm obsessed...

    I hope things are going better for you... I look forward to the day I study with you!

  • Timothy Jansen

    Thanks Linda...!

    Bless you!

  • Mandy Donaldson

    I didn't realise until another member pointed it out, that's all fine with me it was on for a short time & on last checking did get a few views. Thank you for explaining :-)
  • Christine Jelloian

    Hi Linda -

    Thank you for the head's up about adding more of a description to my Fall cake entry.  I very much appreciate it!  :) - Christine

  • iris rezoagli

  • Rima

    Congrats on the fall cake win:0)

  • Karen Royer

    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work Linda.  I'm so glad you've decided to give it another go around.  Your work is an inspiration to!


  • Mandy Nel

    Hullo you talented decorator - my word Linda, you are an inspiration!  How come I haven't seen you on any of the food network challenges?  WOwzer - thank you for adding me as a friend :-)  I so love this forum where I can speak openly about my worries (and pass on any tips I may have).  Take care and thank you for the wonderful work you put out there for us to enjoy and hopefuly emulate xox

  • Mandy Nel

    It's just an amazing cake tale xox

  • Mandy Nel

    any tips on this upside down frilly cake of yours? sooooo vintage, so now!

  • Magdalena Visser

    Hi Linda, I would also appreciate the instructions and in particular the corn. Goodness I was stunned when I saw the detail. I just had to enlarge it to make sure. What can I say : If you're good you are good...and you are one of the best! :-D 

  • iris rezoagli

    Hi Linda,I bought the kit in Sugar Delites (high heel shoe kit 5 inches #2) .In two weeks I will give a shoe tutorial.:-)
  • Jose Rodriguez

    Ur stuff is amazing as well lol right now I'm working on a filler rose ill post pics in a bit I took pics in stages I can email them to u if ur interested
  • Konee Rosas

    Thanks so much Linda for your help. I still need to learn a lot about being a member of this community. I highly appreciate your kindness.

  • June Kowalczyk

    Wow...... a new and profile pic.....  You look wonderful. What happened to your glasses?Looking skinny, skinny......  :o)

  • June Kowalczyk

    Oh yes, I do remember now you telling me about your cataract surgery.  I had my eyes lasered 5 yrs ago. Doc tried to talk me into leaving one eye for seeing close up. Explained the "brain" thing, which does work, know some who had it done that way. I chose not to. I only use reading glasses when, well reading, or on computer. If the light is really good, don't need the glasses. Don't need them for driving. Don't miss my glasses at all.

  • Anne M

    Love your picture Linda.

  • Katy Nott

    Hey Linda - guess what?  Mick and I started to watch a new series to UK TV last night, called Hell on Wheels.  If you don't know it, it's roughly based on post American Civil War and the building of the railroads.  But the first scene was based on Council Bluffs, IA in 1865!  That felt really weird, knowing that you live there.  Was it a coincidence or is there some historical significance to Council Bluffs?