Maria Cristina Drei

64, Female



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  • Vicki L. Guillory

    thanks for adding me as a friend....your work is beautiful...!!


  • Linda Wolff

    Thank you Maria. I did make an Italian Cream cake with the coconut, but I did not use the recipe that I posted. I made it to begin with, but the cake did not release from the pan, so now I have cake to make cake balls with. I used a different recipe and then used parchment to make sure it did not stick, along with lemon sour cream pound cake and almond sour cream pound cake. Maria, I am all caked out. My finger hurts so bad from rolling those frills with a toothpick. Then, Tracy Deadman told me that they actually make a tool to roll out those frills. And, believe it or not, I already have the tool, but have never used it because I didn't know what it was for. How crazy is that!
  • Tracy Deadman

    Hi Maria,

    Thanks so much for finding the time to look at my frilly cake. I'm pleased that you liked it too, a real compliment. My poor finger took the best part of 2 days to recover from using a wooden toothpick to make all those frills - lol, found a tool in my local cake decorating supply shop and promptly bought it (Bulbous cone tool - by PME)! It flies through frills and would have cut the time down by half I'm pretty sure. You live & Learn.

    Talking of learning, what courses have you booked at Squires? I've looked on their site recently as they are only an hour away from me. You are coming all the way from Italy to do two courses, that makes me feel lazy. I've never done a course, all my work has been learnt from books, You tube & Google. Would love to do a flower course. My flowers look cartoonish when I look at yours, they are fabulous.

    Anyway, maybe I'll get to Squires when my youngest starts kindergarten next year (she's just turned 2). At the moment it's something I do when the children are in bed & I'm itching to do it in daylight :) It will be like coming out of the closet lol.

    Happy caking. Hugs Tracy x