Les Brown



United Kingdom

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  • Gary Chapman

    Hey Les - welcome to Cakes You Bake & thanks for your comments! I have just returned from 4 days at the International Cake Show at the NEC where I gave a demo and worked as a judge for two of Knightsbridge-PME's competitions... there were some amazing cakes everywhere... if you did not go try to get there next year as it is a truly inspirational event. Check out my Facebook page (Gary Chapman Cakes) as I occasionally upload things there and you can find so many other wonderful people all over the world doing terrific things...
  • Melissa Seguisabal

    I'm only a self taught beginner i keep looking for new ideas, yours are also very beautiful, flowers are my favourite
  • Rach

    Thanks Les :)   I really like your flowers!  have you done the PME sugar flowers course?
  • Neryl Johnson

    Thank you Les, for the gift and friendship! xx
  • Isabel Marques

    Red Ribbon
  • Karen Harrell Edwards

    it is so nice to meet you. im also so glad i found a group of people that are self taught like me and can share and learn together. this is great.


  • Debbie Haines

    Thanks Les... its something i started doing last November... and i just enjoy messing with it... never quite sure how they are going to end up though! x
  • Kathy Kmonk

    I love your work.  Your flowers are magnificent, just beautiful!
  • Kathy Kmonk

    Les, thank you for accepting my friend request and your kind comments on my work.  I have only been decorating cakes for about a year and a half.  I previously worked at a cookie store as a cookie decorator, which mostly entailed outlining and filling. I wanted to learn how to make roses so I took a Wilton class and that was it!  I was hooked.  Now I make cakes and hand decorated cookies from my home.  I wish I would have stumbled upon this earlier in my life, but I guess you're never too old to discover your passion.!


  • Patti Schwartz

    Hi Les thanks for having me as your friend.  From the pictures I am seeing you are amzingly talented and I have a long way to go.  I have been baking forever and love it.  After making my twin grandboys last birthday cakes I decided to start making htem for others.  I have my 1st big cake due May 1st, it needs to feed about 100 people.  I am very excited and have a feeling that it will good even though I have never stacked a cake before.  I will post and sent you a picture of the finshind cake and would love andy feed back.  Thanks have a wonderful day. Patti
  • Patti Schwartz

    Thanks Les I figured it out last night...CWB is SO addicting! LOVE IT!!


  • Tracy Conod

    Hi, Les

    I think this is my third year from cake number one so still learning at every cake yet. Nice to hear from you,

    Tracy Conod

  • Isabel Marques

    hi Les hope you well thinking of you and your bf for tomorow hope all goes well and he gets well soon


  • Isabel Marques

    hi les have been online in the evening i cant make it in the mornings i have missed you. any way i am leaving for portugal for a week if i dont get hold of you till then i will be intouch when i arrive back home

    have a great day

    love xx

  • Neryl Johnson

    Sorry I missed you, again!
  • Cake Fan

    Happy B day Les
  • Linda Wolff

    Les, I have been enjoying the stroll through your slide show and your flowers and the arrangements of them are no less than breath taking. I love how you have incorporated in each arrangement your trademark little ladybug. What fun you must have creating each one of these masterpieces!

  • June Kowalczyk

    I like your new profile pic..... :o)

  • Eileen S

    Hi Les - I need you to re-upload your Autumn Cake contest cake since it already has 31 favorites from the last contest you entered it into.   Wouldn't be fair to stack the deck. ;)  Don't forget to add the tag.  I've removed the tag from the current photo.

  • Katy Nott

    A man as good as his word!  Thanks so much Les.  I am indeed wanting this for Christmas cake as well as general 'consumption'.  My husband's favourite cakes are Victoria Sponge and Fruit cake.  I can do Victoria Sponge standing on my head with my eyes shut, but the perfect fruit cake still eludes me.  So I will do as you suggest and make it in the first week of October (I remember my Mum always made it around that time, sometimes earlier).  Thanks again and have a great weekend.  btw I notice I missed your birthday in August, so happy belated's.  A Leo eh - I'm sure the recipient of this wouldn't mind sharing with you - 


  • June Kowalczyk

    No worries Les. I know your very busy. Hairdressing & caking.... that  will tie you up!!! 

    Can you get a powdered lemonade mix of some sort??  If not Les, just use extra lemon juice and colour the batter pink. :o)