Diane Curtis

59, Female

Clearwater, FL

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • Linda Wolff

    I've been sitting here watching your slide show, Diane, and you have some beautiful pieces of artwork here. Just stunning.

  • Nadia (zohreh)

    I am agree with Linda and your cakes are beyond words ! I look forward to seeing each one !

  • Theresa Happe

    Hi Diane, do you teach? I'm scouting out instructors for the Sugar Arts Institute. Your work is terrific!

  • Theresa Happe

    Hi Diane, So, sorry. I'm terrible about checking messages on my own page because I'm always busy checking other things. Absolutely, we are still looking for instructors. I will send you info.

  • Linda Wolff

    Congrats, Diane! I saw your cake featured in the American Cake magazine! Awesome work!

  • Linda Wolff

    Man oh man, I would be too!! It's awesome! You have officially become a celebrity!!!! lol Well, the cake is just beautiful and you and it deserved to be featured.  .........now, does this mean from now on we have to bow down to you??? Call you 'your ladyship'??? I'm teasing you!! ((((hugs, Linda)))))

    Congrats again! YAY!!

  • Linda Wolff

    HAHAHAHA!! Oh my goodness! You had me laughing so hard I had tears! Well, I've looked too and there is no way to enlarge the lettering on here, so you will just have to settle for regular type from us 'peons' lol! I really appreciate your good sense of humor.......Your Cakeness (as I curtsey before you). May we all strive to follow in your footsteps, and may your petal dust shine brightly forever.