ann pallett


Jersey CI

United Kingdom

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  • Tanya

    Hi Ann, I like the iris painted cake,( well I like a lot of your cakes) but the iris opne is it hand painted?
    Love you little figures too where was thwe course you went on?
    speak soon
  • ann pallett

    Hi Tanya, thank you, yes it is hand painted but I copied it from a sympathy card, I make my own sugar paste with liquid glucose, egg white and icing sugar and I think it is a better medium to paint on,
    I must say I've had a look at your toppers they are like nothing I've ever seen, the're amazing.
    The 2 day course was at Slattery's, in Manchester ' it's a famous pattisiery and chocolatier, Goggle it and you'll find out about the courses. great to talk to you as I run my business from home(home alone..... bit dangerous for the figure) although I tend to spend too much time in here trawling through all the lovely cakes and art
    talk soon
  • Tanya

    Hi Ann, been looking at more of your cakes and they are gorgeous.
    Do you think hand paited cakes are going to be popular ? Have you heard of Andrea Webster? she is also a superb cake maker and hand paints some of her cakes.
    I am a floral watercolourist and topper maker as you know so painted cakes are of great interest to me but there is no way I want to paint cakes!!! is there a shortage of good material to use for such a project as you said you copied a card design for you Iris cake.
    speak soon
  • jagdish tiwari

    those are buttercream roses.
    I like your colour combination on the cakes.
  • Joy Fruelda

    Hi Ann, thanks for accepting my invite to be your friend... Looking forward to exchanges infos and knowledge in baking... I'm a new member and loves baking so much... this is one of my passion... take care...


  • Joy Fruelda

    Hi Ann, how are you? I started to love baking since my High School days... I do self study only, read books and do the cake for friends and family. I've done baking as a part time business when I was college. Since, I worked abroad and been very busy in my other career, I stop baking.. It's been 5 years now, and i just started to do it again as I really miss doing my passion... But need to refresh everything and try to study more and getting addicted to know more about buttercream and fondant icing.... I hope you can share some techniques and some infos in making those icing....

    Thank you and your work are so amazing.... wish to do that also....


  • Joy Fruelda

    Hi Ann, I saw your cake creation on your facebook... all are definitely awesome, i visiting the picture again and again... can you please share a fondant icing to me? i really want to learn to do that. are all cakes can use for fondant icing?

    thanks for sharing all your art work in cakes and cupcakes...


  • Lauri Myers

    Red Ribbon
  • Sarah Robinson

    Your painted cake as well as your figures are gorgeous! I have often felt if I could just paint my design on that I could make a perfect cake. I must become brave and take the plunge! Thanks for the inspiration and the nice comments.
  • Karen Vazquez

    LOVE YOUR MAD HATTER CAKE!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!! I will take inspiration in your work too ;-). Thank you for your kind words Ann. PS - I am so hungry after viewing your cupcakes with strawberries....YUM!!!!
  • Lorena Gil

    beautifull cakes!!! I love de num 1 Lexi cake... so cute!!!
  • Stampinsher

    Your work is fabulous! I enjoy the details of what you do. That is probably why you are a "Professional" but let it be known, you have inspired me to continue and make more cakes! I only make cakes for my own pleasure to share with family and friends.
    I wish you lived a lot closer and if you ever come to the states, please announce it! You can come to my home and make a cake or two or three or more!!!
    I wish you tons of success.
    Smilin' Sher
  • Debra Montgomery

    I Love your cakes
  • Deah

    Thanks! No need to remove them, just change the names
  • Isabel Marques

    hello ann your work is amazing
  • Isabel Marques

    what kind of icing do you use on the cupcakes to stay so round and not fall over the edge
  • Isabel Marques

    hi ann i have gone on to your facebook and saw your recipe for the cup cakes and icing i will make them and let you know how they came out, how many does one recipe make?
    thank you kor your comment on my cake.
    do you ever come to Johannesburg?
  • Rosemary Galpin

    Hello Ann. If you will go to the following link you will find 6mm Edible Pearls for $4.29 in stock and ready to ship by Confectionery house. Larger quantities (500) can be purchased for $19.99 with free shipping from
  • Rosemary Galpin

    You are very welcome! Always willing to share...
  • Rosemary Galpin

    The OSSAS is the Oklahoma State Sugar Arts Show. It is the largest competition in the US. It is held in Tulsa the first weekend in Oct. The creator and director/host is Kerry Vincent. The talent there makes some of the TV stars look like amatures! Over$100,000 in cash and prizes donated from all over the world. I've gotten some great prizes from your neck of the woods.
  • sherraberra

    Ann, I think I could "favorite" every one of your cake photos. They are all amazing!
  • sherraberra

    I just wished you lived in Austin, TX. I would love to take lessons from you! The UK is a bit far for me.  :)   Thanks for the inspiration.
  • Kim Washington

    awww, thank you for your willing mentorship.

    trust me its a challenge. esp when it comes to fondant and gumpaste work. but i'm trying to rise above it, ive only been in decorating for a year, on and off/part time.

    thanks again and you will definitely be hearing from me


  • Kim Washington

    your work is simply amazing!