sue limb

Eastham, Wirral

United Kingdom

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  • sue limb


     Just a small selection of all the cakes I have made for my time consuming hobby.  Hope you enjoy!

  • mary hnatyszyn

    i love lorraine ,i wish she would do a class nearer us i would definately go,i bought three of her tutorials they are great,but i'm still trying to master them lol ,the suitcases i used roasting tins , the bottom one was 16"x 11" then i used smaller ones to get the next sizes up the bottom was fruit ,the other two sponge,i had sleepless nights with working out how i was going to do this cake ,but got there in the end

    my first figures faces are not good, but i'm getting better ,i've only done them since july, so hopely practice will help

    your cakes are very good ,i love doing them do you xx

  • mary hnatyszyn

    i never miss cake boss ,i have it on record ,do you watch network challenge where they have to make a 3ft or sometimes 5ft cake in 9 hours for 10,000dollars its so good ,sometimes they collaspe aswell, cake boss buddy has been on a couple of times but never won.

    so jealous that you have seen lorraine ,she's fantastic ,what a combination in oz ,wonder if it gets recorded?

     we can pick each other's brains,thats a good idea lol although mines always full of icing sugar these days  

  • mary hnatyszyn

    omg ! i'm am the same ,anything i make goes back into the cake supplies lol i did see that poor fellow cry ,but i kept saying to my husband thats gonna come apart ,when it did we were in stitches ,i kept replaying it over it was a mess

    i have done wedding cakes for the family one  every so many years when someone got married, since i was 27yrs

    then i did one for my niece last july then someone asked me to do a christening cake ,then all at once i was getting request for different cakes ,i was loving it ,i have made mistakes too,but you can cover up i really like doing them, but i don't charge enough ,the suitcases i did a quote for £150 it was way under priced i put a lot of time in on that ,but when she came to pick up the cake ,she was over the moon so it was worth while and she gave me £200 ,but i never know what to charge, cos some you give them a price,and they  don't want to pay a lot but they want a good cake !!!!others are quite happy to pay for the unique cake ,my husband say's i work for 50p an hour lol xx

  • mary hnatyszyn

    yes sue i did do these using flower paste  so i can roll it thin, i like doing them even though they can be tedious ,but that was when i was doing a cake every few years ,now i'll will have to do a few a week cos i seem to be getting more orders, some one's  just ordered another cake like that but with models of bride groom and thier little girl on top !!!!for june xx
  • mary hnatyszyn

    well sue i have tried to get grape violet from my local cake supplies ,he said he tried two different supplers but they have'nt had any, so i've gone on internet to cakestuff and ordered it off them,crossed fingers( and ended up ordering allsorts) lol, just doing a tardis its one of the hardest things i've done ,i thought it would be easy WRONG!!!and daleks for next weekend ,i did them with cereal treats  

    i like you  am always worried more if it's it someone from work ,even though i've finished i still keep in touch with them all ,i feel i don't want to charge them a lot because i know them ,never gonna be rich  !! i've got a calla lily cutter but never used it ,i'll have to experiment

    got a radley bag to do for thursday ,i ought to charge them what they cost lol !!!  xx